Do you read the articles on this site?

The White Mamba

"Cold Stone Steve Austin" - Mike Goldberg
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Kind of curious as to how much traffic those articles get. I'll read one every now and then.
Occasionally. It just doesn't have enough "fistic" since Tomas Rios left.
sometimes after an event i'll check out the recap on the main page. probably check out the main page a few times a month.
Sometimes. To be honest it helps that they link them at the bottom of every page...if something catches my eye I would read it.
The main page is how I knew Sherdog when I first started coming to this site. It was a couple years before I started lurking the the forum. Nowadays it's the other way around. Most news I find out from the forums and rarely read the articles on the main page.
Just here for the centerfolds
Like this one?

If I see the word Fedor I'll check and see if it's a good, positive article or if it's calling fucken Stipe GOAT or something
Sometimes there will be links to articles or highlights in the Twitter feed on the side of the page and if one interests me I'll read it, but it's pretty rare.
Maybe a few times a month. I try to keep up with fight results even though I haven't watched an event in god knows how long.
sometimes, but only if they are written in the holy words of the second coming of jesus AKA TJ de Santis
I'll look at the PBP.

To be honest I gradually lost interest since PRIDE died.

Was boring with Tim Sylvia at the top, then developed into a controversy-run marketing model.

I haven't watched a full show in years.
I haven't even watched MMA in years, let alone read any articles or analysis about it.
yeah,course do,just like the ones i read in playboy.
I let other sherbro's read that stuff, then i argue with them about the articles I didn't read on the forums.