Do you think cases of mass shootings would stop bullying?

Well it hasn't worked yet so clearly more killing sprees are in order for these dummies to get the message.

Why do they keep pushing the false story that bullied kids are responsible for school shootings? It's not true at all.

The typical school shooter is often anti-social and not popular, but they are usually someone that the rest of the kids are afraid of and avoid.

They aren't the lonely nerd that's a victim of bullies; instead they're the brooding a-hole in the back of the class that you don't talk to because they freak you out.
Shooting the actual bully will stop the bully.

Mass shootings rarely hit the actual bully.

In fact, if they keep missing the bully, it may even embolden them more.

They need to target and get the real bully to stop bullyingisms.
Bullying is not only happening in schools but also in the workplaces and in other places as well. It's just part of human nature and social hierarchy, It's not going to end.
When children learn the fact that bully aka pushing boundaries in that certain way has immediate and painful consequences, they would weigh that compared to the joy they get from stepping on others. Those who are reluctant to get hurt back off while those who can hack it will charge into more higher levels of resistance until they get cut down to size.


What in the world makes you think bullies will keep picking harder and harder targets until they get their ass kicked?
I used to be a big time Bully. I tracked many of them down on social media after I grew up so I could apologize.

But I know there's a ton that I honestly just don't remember. I'm probably on a few "people to kill" lists.

be very afriad

The problem isn't that simple and not all bullies are the same. If you do that to certain bullies, you'd get jumped sooner rather than later.

Why? The bully is going to feel compelled to retaliate otherwise, he's going to get roasted and possibly bullied for being a bitch. What happens next? He and a few of his friends kick the shit out of you after school.

There is no one solution to all bullying.

Learn how to bust somebody so bad that he gets sent to the hospital. Doesn't matter if it's 10 guys, if you are able to do that quickly and easily to 1 guy, they might not want to bet on the chance that it'll be themselves.

Deterrence is the name of the game. Why else to gun advocates want CC to tamp down mass shootings?


What in the world makes you think bullies will keep picking harder and harder targets until they get their ass kicked?

Habit. It worked before, new setting/place, they'll try it out. Just like doing drugs, the rush of oppressing/dominating someone for quite some time is hard to slough off, especially when they started young.
Pussy has caused a few school shootings. Will that result in free pussy!?
