Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

?How do you guys come to these conclusions?

How are we talking about poor people being locked up as if its something I'm arguing should be happening?

Yeah, thats precisely what I said. You guys are insane.
if he's pumping money into funding and programs, who cares? Rich people often get fined as opposed to jailed for that reason.”

Your exact words. If anyone else pulled what Trump is doing they’d be put in jail and held in contempt. But since he’s rich he gets to just pay fines instead and YOU DONT CARE.

If you care to defend your original statement or add some much needed context, fire away chief
Did we get to the bottom of determining how the woman who gets paid to have sex got paid to have sex with a shit who paid her for sex yet?

awww is the angry shrew mad again?

perhaps the orange turd's all star lawyers should stop introducing this shit into the court record. just wait until they get to "Tiny" and "Two-Pump Chump" and watch her fake that outrage some more. "look what the radical left is doing to us! it's so mean and juvenile. we can't even fight back by threatenig the jurors. so unfair!"

The irony of that banner being displayed on Fox News.....
I'm not sure what you want me to do about it? Do you want me to call up Trump on my cell phone and ask him to stop?

I've already said I don't care what happens to him for violating the gag order.
You just don't seem to appreciate the implications of his violations of the order. You're giving him a pass to influence the system at the cost of what's essentially pocket change for a billionaire.
if he's pumping money into funding and programs, who cares? Rich people often get fined as opposed to jailed for that reason.”

Your exact words. If anyone else pulled what Trump is doing they’d be put in jail and held in contempt. But since he’s rich he gets to just pay fines instead and YOU DONT CARE.

If you care to defend your original statement or add some much needed context, fire away chief

What "anyone but Trump" bs are you talking about? Practically any billionaire would get the same treatment. If you're asking me if I could wave a magic wand and sprinkle some pixie dust to change the world so that the legal system treats rich people and poor people the same, I would. But this is reality. Rich people are often fined large amounts for the reasons I've already specified. This is not an argument that I want to jail poor people.

reeee reee reeee reeee reeeee. it's so unfair!

What "anyone but Trump" bs are you talking about? Practically any billionaire would get the same treatment. If you're asking me if I could wave a magic wand and sprinkle some pixie dust to change the world so that the legal system treats rich people and poor people the same, I would. But this is reality. Rich people are often fined large amounts for the reasons I've already specified. This is not an argument that I want to jail poor people.
I said it’s because he’s rich, not because he’s Trump. And what, “large amount of money “are you talking about? Surely you can’t mean the $1000 incident.

Admitting there is a two tiered justice system for the rich and the poor isn’t a problem. Saying that you don’t care about it is very morally telling.
What "anyone but Trump" bs are you talking about? Practically any billionaire would get the same treatment. If you're asking me if I could wave a magic wand and sprinkle some pixie dust to change the world so that the legal system treats rich people and poor people the same, I would. But this is reality. Rich people are often fined large amounts for the reasons I've already specified. This is not an argument that I want to jail poor people.
Perhaps not, but it certainly puts your "double standard theory" to bed, doesn't it?
You want me to be honest? I've visited your stuff quite several times before, and it's often a deep rabbit hole of leftist conspiracy theory.

As far as P2025. I'll look into it, i pormise, but its not high on my.list of priorities.

I'm definitely right of center. I wouldn't call myself conservative because they're stuck behind the times on social policies.

Only reason I'm even here "defending" trump is because I'm constantly quoted, often with insane conclusions that make no sense. Like, I've repeatedly said the court can do whatever it pleases to Trump for gag violations. Yet people are frothing at the mouth about how I want to put poor people in jail. Or something? It's lunacy, and thats par for the course when Trump is involved. He makes people rabidly insane.

Can you give me a single example of something I've suggested that felt like a conspiracy theory? Just one? I listen to some extreme stuff but I don't take it seriously, and I only recommend things I think should be looked at. Some times I recommend them to sane conservatives (like you) because I need someone who will likely use a critical eye.

Project 2025 is so extreme I hope it's a conspiracy theory, but Trump was recently quoted in an interview saying he's a hundred percent behind it.
What "anyone but Trump" bs are you talking about? Practically any billionaire would get the same treatment. If you're asking me if I could wave a magic wand and sprinkle some pixie dust to change the world so that the legal system treats rich people and poor people the same, I would. But this is reality. Rich people are often fined large amounts for the reasons I've already specified. This is not an argument that I want to jail poor people.

Bro, again, these people are crazy. This is just a way to direct their energy of being frustrated that this trial has been a shitshow with no smoking gun, etc.

all the other Trump trials are on hold and/or not happening. This trial is all they have to live for.
Bro, again, these people are crazy. This is just a way to direct their energy of being frustrated that this trial has been a shitshow with no smoking gun, etc.

all the other Trump trials are on hold and/or not happening. This trial is all they have to live for.
All they have to live for? How many Trump threads do you currently have running in the WR?

LOL what a stooge.
Bro, again, these people are crazy. This is just a way to direct their energy of being frustrated that this trial has been a shitshow with no smoking gun, etc.

all the other Trump trials are on hold and/or not happening. This trial is all they have to live for.

yeah that's it alright and everybody else is just so frustrated by how this trial is going. now you go run along and help Mr. 1-65 in the courtroom find that elusive election fraud fairy. there's just so much of that bamboo and the crackhead pillow salesman is still combing over every last fiber of it right? that smoking gun is coming any day now i'm sure. just not today right?

if you spread them ass cheeks open wide enough and pretend to be his daughter, von schitzenpantz might even promise you a spot on the apprentice and allow you to join his legal team and work for free.
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Bro, again, these people are crazy. This is just a way to direct their energy of being frustrated that this trial has been a shitshow with no smoking gun, etc.

all the other Trump trials are on hold and/or not happening. This trial is all they have to live for.

I mean, it's weird. I can talk to some of these people in other threads and they're fine, even when we disagree. But the conclusions in this thread are just batshit.

"The court can do whatever they want to him. Don't care"

"Oh so you want poor people to go to jail!!!?"

"The fuck?"
If a 20 year old kid failed to properly care for a dog, and it died, would you feel the same way?
Fuck no, you wouldn’t.

It doesn't matter if it’s a fish, a cat, a lizard, or a dog, you should give it the best care possible.

Yeah, and I did. I cleaned a 75 gallon tank once a week for five years, changing the water in thirds as directed. I spent a fortune feeding it what I was told to feed it. When I saw it getting sick I consulted a vet, bought medications and treated it.

My last cat lived to 23, I take care of my animals to the best of my ability. My current cats are half Bengals who are running me into the ground and tearing my apartment to pieces, but I love them and they'll have long happy lives.


When Pete the piranha died I was pretty crushed even though I never wanted him. I took him from a friend who could no longer take care of him (and had him in a tank one-third the size).
Yeah, and I did. I cleaned a 75 gallon tank once a week for five years, changing the water in thirds as directed. I spent a fortune feeding it what I was told to feed it. When I saw it getting sick I consulted a vet, bought medications and treated it.

you murdered over 800 goldfish in cold blood as well, mr. loiosh.

from that heavenly fishbowl in the sky, lord nemo is watching over you like a shithawk my friend, and you will one day have the fishy scales of justice weigh out in front of you when you make it across that rainbow bridge and have to answer to about 800 pissed off goldfish, and pete the piranha - god bless his soul.

they may have the memory of a goldfish but they will never forget that horrible day when you looked them in their eyes and then sent them swimming to their deaths.

there will be a reckoning. ain't that right @44nutman ?
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I mean, it's weird. I can talk to some of these people in other threads and they're fine, even when we disagree. But the conclusions in this thread are just batshit.

"The court can do whatever they want to him. Don't care"

"Oh so you want poor people to go to jail!!!?"

"The fuck?"

lol, it is weird in the surface, but quite normal psychology. They have since 2015/16 that orange man is bad and a threat to democracy.

This and these cases would prove that to them. Meanwhile Biden is literally doing another quid pro quo (and election meddling) with Israel right now to try and win back votes. His family are basically foreign agents that should be prosecuted for FARA violations. He is a sick fuck who has been caught multiple times being a freak, punching little girl(s) nipples, etc. on record multiple times saying racist stuff, his own VP accusing him, and flat out lying. Not to mention a corrupt democrat judge, who’s daughter makes millions o from democrats and this case, they don’t care, but will attack scotus judge Thomas or fed judge cannon in FL for being biased.

Basically everything they accuse Trump of. And they voted for him.

It is cognitive dissonance and actual psychosis.

Just look at where the country is with the border, crime, inflation, etc. and just because democrats tell them it is all fake news, the blindly believe it.

It is legit being psychotic. And even with more moderates and independents, they preface everything with “yes trump is bad and such and such, and I don’t support him, but…..”, or another classic “yes Trump is obviously a bad and corrupt person that I can’t actually point out how so, but….”, but they fall for the same bullshit. It is all pretty hilarious and sad at the same time.

Entertaining times
“yes Trump is obviously a bad and corrupt person that I can’t actually point out how so, but….”,

did you even manage to type this with a straight face? are you even a real person?

yes. nobody has ever pointed out any of the terrible things that the twice-impeached, quadruple-indicted, adjudicated fraudster, rapist and sexual predator, serial liar/fraudster/defamer, who has cheated on every wife he's ever had, steals from children with cancer, runs scam universities, stiffed thousands of contractors, stiffed even his own lawyers, defrauded banks, businesses and even his own country after trying to steal elections that he lost bigly in, raw dogs whores from the gangbang videos while his wife is at home caring to their newborn child, is currently indicted on nearly 100 serious felony charges, and fantasizes about fucking his daughter has ever done.

"people are saying that the fraudy orange rapist is a piece of shit, but nobody has ever pointed out why they feel that way about my beloved cult messiah who i would gladly bend over for if he told me that i remind him of his daughter." did tucker tell you that or did you manage to come up with that thought all by yourself?
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