Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Costello was a test for the judge to see if the Defense could consider putting any other witnesses or Trump on the stand. After Merchan threw a hissy fit over "eye rolling" the Defense knew it was over. It's legal for a witness to roll their eyes. There is nothing wrong with it. It must have been amazing to watch Mercan lose his shit. Dershowitz was front row and didn't get thrown out of the court room like the rest of the "Free Press". He was stunned and thought the judge had lost his mind.

Of course they wrapped their case after that crazy event. They know the Prosecution proved nothing illegal. They have no underlying crime charge for the "34 felonies". They have no proof on the "34 felonies". No matter what this judge or jury does, this case dies quickly on appeal. It's insane it was ever allowed to go to trial in the first place. This abuse of the Justice System will not play well for the Democrats. It would be fun to see a guilty verdict and this judge to have Trump imprisoned. I want to see how far the Left will go.
If he is on the witness stand, how is he going to sleep? People would be asking him questions and shit.

all i know is that the dude who's been getting free airtime on tv networks across the nation every day outside of the courtroom has been silenced, and i cant wait for him to go back up there on tv and social media and tell everybody just how silenced he is. he doesn't have a voice! what a victim he is. no former president has been more victimized than toddler trump. not even the ones who were murdered.
Costello was a test for the judge to see if the Defense could consider putting any other witnesses or Trump on the stand. After Merchan threw a hissy fit over "eye rolling" the Defense knew it was over. It's legal for a witness to roll their eyes. There is nothing wrong with it. It must have been amazing to watch Mercan lose his shit. Dershowitz was front row and didn't get thrown out of the court room like the rest of the "Free Press". He was stunned and thought the judge had lost his mind.

Of course they wrapped their case after that crazy event. They know the Prosecution proved nothing illegal. They have no underlying crime charge for the "34 felonies". They have no proof on the "34 felonies". No matter what this judge or jury does, this case dies quickly on appeal. It's insane it was ever allowed to go to trial in the first place. This abuse of the Justice System will not play well for the Democrats. It would be fun to see a guilty verdict and this judge to have Trump imprisoned. I want to see how far the Left will go.
Trump fan fiction is always good for a laugh.
Trump fan fiction is always good for a laugh.

What element of what I wrote is "fan fiction"? Here it is... which part is "fiction"?

Costello was a test for the judge to see if the Defense could consider putting any other witnesses or Trump on the stand. After Merchan threw a hissy fit over "eye rolling" the Defense knew it was over. It's legal for a witness to roll their eyes. There is nothing wrong with it. It must have been amazing to watch Mercan lose his shit. Dershowitz was front row and didn't get thrown out of the court room like the rest of the "Free Press". He was stunned and thought the judge had lost his mind.

Of course they wrapped their case after that crazy event. They know the Prosecution proved nothing illegal. They have no underlying crime charge for the "34 felonies". They have no proof on the "34 felonies". No matter what this judge or jury does, this case dies quickly on appeal. It's insane it was ever allowed to go to trial in the first place. This abuse of the Justice System will not play well for the Democrats. It would be fun to see a guilty verdict and this judge to have Trump imprisoned. I want to see how far the Left will go.
What element of what I wrote is "fan fiction"? Here it is... which part is "fiction"?
why is it damaging to the defense to instruct witnesses to limit the theatrics towards the judge while on the stand? why would that be so discouraging in and of itself?

'Are you staring me down?': Fiery moment between judge, defense witness in Trump hush money trial
"If you don't like my ruling, you don't say 'Jeez,' you don't say 'Strike it.'

In a fiery moment in court on Monday, Judge Juan Merchan reprimanded a key defense witness testifying in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial.

Robert Costello -- an attorney and longtime Trump ally -- took the stand Monday afternoon to testify about a meeting he had with Michael Cohen in April 2018 after the FBI raided Cohen's home and office.

As Merchan sustained a string of objections by the prosecution on procedural matters, Costello could be heard sighing loudly and uttering the words "ridiculous" or "jeez" from the witness stand. Less than 15 minutes into Costello's testimony, the typically even-tempered judge appeared fed up with Costello’s behavior and sent the jury out of the courtroom."

This judge is bias his daughter is making money on Trump in prison shirts.

Lashing out at a witness shows this case is falling apart and mainstream people media such as Fareed Sakaria saying this case wouldn't have been brought against anyone who's name wasn't Trump.

'Are you staring me down?': Fiery moment between judge, defense witness in Trump hush money trial
"If you don't like my ruling, you don't say 'Jeez,' you don't say 'Strike it.'

In a fiery moment in court on Monday, Judge Juan Merchan reprimanded a key defense witness testifying in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial.

Robert Costello -- an attorney and longtime Trump ally -- took the stand Monday afternoon to testify about a meeting he had with Michael Cohen in April 2018 after the FBI raided Cohen's home and office.

As Merchan sustained a string of objections by the prosecution on procedural matters, Costello could be heard sighing loudly and uttering the words "ridiculous" or "jeez" from the witness stand. Less than 15 minutes into Costello's testimony, the typically even-tempered judge appeared fed up with Costello’s behavior and sent the jury out of the courtroom."

This judge is bias his daughter is making money on Trump in prison shirts.

Lashing out at a witness shows this case is falling apart and mainstream people media such as Fareed Sakaria saying this case wouldn't have been brought against anyone who's name wasn't Trump.

for acting like a whiney teenager in the courtroom, the honorable judge merchan should have slapped sideshow bob with contempt on his way out the door.
What element of what I wrote is "fan fiction"? Here it is... which part is "fiction"?

It is just their cognitive dissonance because they legit thought this was a case to get Trump. Instead, it imploded and helped his poll numbers, and he had great press around NYC, while being alpha and violating the ridiculous and unconsitutional gag order.

It is pretty beautiful to see. Just like this court room sketch, LOL. This captures these lefty retards so accurately. <lol><lol>

It is just their cognitive dissonance because they legit thought this was a case to get Trump. Instead, it imploded and helped his poll numbers, and he had great press around NYC, while being alpha and violating the ridiculous and unconsitutional gag order.

It is pretty beautiful to see. Just like this court room sketch, LOL. This captures these lefty retards so accurately. <lol><lol>


Hang on, what have I missed? Who's accused Biden of rape? Are you talking about showering with his kid? No one went apeshit at Bradley Cooper for that, lol. I was in my 40s before I saw my mum naked after I had to get her out of the bath and never did my dad. Nudity was frowned upon when really that's dopey. Beckham was taken to task when Victoria posted a pic of him kissing their daughter on the lips. My mum and dad used to kiss me on the lips all the time, it's a sweet natural thing to do.

Sherdog gonna Sherdog with the Carrol case, I've been here long enough to not be surprised.

Wait, people actually frown on parents kissing their kids on the lips ? Like actually adults are complaining ?


I kiss my lil boy (3) on the lips all the time. “Daddy, kisssy !” and then he sticks out his lower lips and giggles like nuts later. I can’t say no to that.

Wtf is wrong with people ?
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Trump wins when he wins and still wins even when he loses! Incredible! No way for him to lose! Defeat all your enemies with this one weird trick!
Dudes obviously a fan of the Gracie family
If judge Merchan was honorable he would of recused himself due to his daughter working with the DNC.
And what about Aileen Cannon literally being appointed by Donald Trump, and her previous highly favorable rulings towards Trump getting overturned? Should she recuse herself? Please share your feelings on that one!?