Explain Magician Asi tricks

I’ll be honest… I just want to know how he did it. But I respect that if you see it, and you’re in the industry as well, you’re not going to spill the beans.

But… am I wrong in thinking both of the guys are just in on it? There’s no way that photo appears on his phone with the card without a little bit of confederacy going on

I appreciate your understanding.

Thank you.

I don't believe Andrew is involved in any of the tricks, but if you watch closely at 8 minutes and 54 seconds, when Asi asks him to open the wallet, Andrew starts to open it from the wrong side. Asi quickly corrects him, almost in a panic, and then proceeds to open it himself. This gives us a clue about how the trick is performed.

Edit: There are materials available on the market that can facilitate the illusion seen in the trick.

Remember, it's Asi's wallet.
I appreciate your understanding.

Thank you.

I don't believe Andrew is involved in any of the tricks, but if you watch closely at 8 minutes and 54 seconds, when Asi asks him to open the wallet, Andrew starts to open it from the wrong side. Asi quickly corrects him, almost in a panic, and then proceeds to open it himself. This gives us a clue about how the trick is performed.
You’re right.

If that was simply just a meaningless error he would’ve been much more casual in the redirection; but you’re right, he seems very concerned, Albeit subtly (given I didn’t really notice it until you point it out), that he’s going to the wrong place in the wallet
You’re right.

If that was simply just a meaningless error he would’ve been much more casual in the redirection; but you’re right, he seems very concerned, Albeit subtly (given I didn’t really notice it until you point it out), that he’s going to the wrong place in the wallet
look at the wallet, have you ever seen a wallet with a button inside? the wallet itself is sus as hell, it's a prop. I'm no magician, but I do see him adjusting the wallet position ever so slightly at 7:26? soon after that, he slips in a card while covering the wallet. it's subtle, but you can see him pressing down on the wallet briefly with the misdirection segment. The wallet has a magical opening on the same side it has a flap to cover.....................................................................
All of the tricks can be deduced with enough time, everything happens so fast though, it's hard to comprehend on first viewing.

Any time Asi touches anything, I mean anything, you gotta ask yourself, what was the reason for that <lmao>

any prop that he will NOT allow to inspect, there is trickery involved.
gotta say, that avatar is "magic"
Yes, yes it is

Here’s how he did it:

They stopped the cameras, he dug through the deck to find the Jack of hearts, then put it under the first card in that stack.

They then turned the cameras back on.

Case closed.
@subtlySteve please make @lsa disappear. Or at least teleport him to a Svedish prison.

I will magically transport them to the nearest forest, where they can frolic among the woodland creatures and enjoy a delightful day in the sun.

But this is Sweden, what is this ball in the sky that radiates heat and light essential for life on Earth called the sun?