Fan gets chair thrown at his face @ UFC 229

McTapper and fans taking all kinds of Ls
I was wondering why I smelled like piss water and had splinters in my nose.
3rd Times a Chair(m)!
But but but they all told me chair shots to the head were fake.
Great strategy. Blind him with the water and follow up with the beautiful chair throw.
i was thinking "that was a drink, not a chair"
then, it was a chair
after that 2nd drink was thrown at him he did not see that chair coming
I was wondering where Jorge masvidal was
oh shit, that just fucking killed me,

out of fucking nowhere
Never incite crowds...

People in masses too oft have a hapless herd mentality. As someone who attends dozens of concerts and prefers the Pitt, just fuck instigators and cheap shots. Only the weak throw cheap shots.

That said looked like he at least deserved the drinks. Ham others physically and well expect consequences legal and otherwise...
This could be some random drunk dude in a bar.

No sings of UFC or anything similar

The dude is definitely British, it’s definitely in a casino (slots [I think?] to left of the screen), and there’s definitely a UFC show on the big screen that you see briefly on the right. So chances are, if a British dude is giving out so much shot he ends up taking a chair to the face in a casino bar that is showing a ufc event.... it’s a McGregor fan, haha.