Fellow Graphic Novel (comic) geeks gtfih

I haven't read it in decades, and bits of it may have been hokey, but I remember really liking it.

At the time I had no idea who Constantine was and no clue why so many supernatural beings were terrified of him. The panel I loved was of a group of powerful beings surrounding the kid, panel is a close-up of a wood match being lit, which stops them all in their tracks, and then the panel I posted of John lighting his cigarette. It was just one of those panels, you know?

Anyways, if I'm going to submit anything for this thread, it's going to be Miller's Ronin. The first in the series is my favorite hands down.


I know what you mean. There are some panels that are just so amazingly well done that they're unforgettable. For me, there is one from Swamp Thing where Abby eats one of ST's tubers and start tripping, and the whole page is beautiful.

I've never read Ronin, I might check that out eventually too. I could have added Frank Miller to my list of amazing writers.

Oh, TS. And Sin City. Those books are incredibly good.
I know what you mean. There are some panels that are just so amazingly well done that they're unforgettable. For me, there is one from Swamp Thing where Abby eats one of ST's tubers and start tripping, and the whole page is beautiful.

I've never read Ronin, I might check that out eventually too. I could have added Frank Miller to my list of amazing writers.

Oh, TS. And Sin City. Those books are incredibly good.

About Ronin...

The first is the best. I like each one that follows a little less than the one before it. The first four are solid gold, though. Then it gets kind of weird.
About Ronin...

The first is the best. I like each one that follows a little less than the one before it. The first four are solid gold, though. Then it gets kind of weird.
I almost just bought the collected edition at my local comic shop, but it was too damn expensive. Got a couple of Vertigo trades with a bunch of #1's for $2.99 a piece. Score.
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That is my favorite run ever. What he did to that character, taking what was kind of a run of the mill tough guy and turning him into a godlike being, it was beautiful.

I'm even a big fan of Rick Veitch's run that followed as well. The 80's crew of Moore, Veitch, Totelben, and Bissette is one of the best ever, imo.

Definitely agree on that!

My brain is really blanking today for suggestions. I'm a little mad at myself for missing that one.

I want a [well made, so never probably] Swamp Thing movie. The character is just beastly.
These series are pretty good
The Boys (entire thing)
The Goon (but the China town TPB is pretty great)
Death - Graphic Novel
Manhattan Projects - I think its 6 volumes? But the first 5 are a solid arc
Southern Bastards (THIS IS A MUST!)
The Maxx : Maxxed Out
Scud : The Whole Shabang
Through the woods

I could go on
About Ronin...

The first is the best. I like each one that follows a little less than the one before it. The first four are solid gold, though. Then it gets kind of weird.
Try BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL. Start with the second tradepaperback; although nowadays they might only be available in giant omnibuses. Omnibi? But yeah, either start with the second book or the first book but I feel if you like RONIN you'll like BLADE.
New X-Men (Grant Morrison)
Astonishing X-Men (Joss Whedon)
Ultimates Vol 1&2
Walking Dead

What great choices!!!!!

Planetary is my all time favorite Maxi series ever written. It's prob my favorite comic book series of all time and new Xmen is one of my favorite marvel runs ever.

I would also like to add to your list the, Invisibles and Bendis Daredevil run and Hickmans FAntastic 4
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God Country
Jupiter’s Legacy
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Try BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL. Start with the second tradepaperback; although nowadays they might only be available in giant omnibuses. Omnibi? But yeah, either start with the second book or the first book but I feel if you like RONIN you'll like BLADE.

It's been literally decades since I bought a comic or walked into a comic store.

Maybe it's time, though. I'll walk in, ask for exactly that volume, and I'll lean in and whisper "Secret Agent sent me'".

So recently I decided to start reading the Punisher MAX Series and absolutely love it!
Make sure you stop with volume 10 (Valley Forge, Valley Forge). That's the last one Ennis did.
i would be interested in hearing what the new-ish, intellectual must read is.
Did you ever read this one? Initially he sued Rowling as Potter was basically a lame version of this character.


It featured my favorite Constantine panel of all time. It preceded this one but I can't find it.


"Charge of the Trenchcoat Brigade".

Hard Time is another good one. Constantine allows himself to be arrested and placed in a Federal Maximum Security jail. Imagine OZ with Black Magick...
Also, the TPB's of The Boys by Garth Ennis.
i would be interested in hearing what the new-ish, intellectual must read is.

Like sci-fi?
Black science is pretty decent, kinda smart
The Wicked + The Divine
The Sculptor
wytches is good
Black Hole
Incidents in the dark
4 kids walk into a bank
The Best We Could Do
I know its old be cerebus is really smart imo.

Check those out see if any of those seem interesting

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