Frame by Frame proves Weidman was right. Illegal knee.

Crazy question: What is the rule on instant replay? there instant replay in this state? If there is, it's a new rule right?
There's no rule against it. Ratner misspoke after BDM made a bad call, hence the confusion. But like A FEW GOOD MEN, Weidman would have got away with everything except for one charge: "conduct unbecoming." Had he told the truth and acted like he could continue this fight, it would have borne out like it was supposed to. He elected to take the easier way out, ultimately losing that gambit -- and frankly I don't blame him. Getting kneed in the head isn't my cup of tea.
The rookies are the assholes running around copying each other by saying stupid shit like derp, and actually think it's cool.
No, the rookies are :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s thinking they're an enigma, still copying others people's shit while throwing a baby fit about it, and who no one cares about. You picked an e-fight with me over some simple, petty shit that is childish. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, the street corner light was on like 12 years ago, and your mama didn't go home, look what happened.

You should probably just not respond back, bc you're out of your element and while you've been repeating the same "jokes" over and over, I've been not caring about this conversation, coming back when I'm looking for a "thrill," not finding a thrill (bc, whoo even are you, again? No one, right?) and I'd wager most others not involved in "tiff" (which is more like a teenager slapping a fourth grader) would think you should just shut up and fuck off too. If you're so inclined though, you can join @Slobodan in the bitch :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: corner, but if you don't want to I can force you to share a corner with him.

Really, I already have, and I don't need to say anything else. Sorry, junior.

Also, this is that outcome that was always going to happen in this situation.

People hate Weidman and suck Moose's balls so you wont get much support here but you're right. Either way it shouldn't have been a TKO. The ref stopped the fight thinking it was an illegal knee. Not Weidman's fault
People hate Weidman and suck Moose's balls so you wont get much support here but you're right. Either way it shouldn't have been a TKO. The ref stopped the fight thinking it was an illegal knee. Not Weidman's fault

How's he right? He's actually very clearly wrong.

The doctors where the ones who ruled Wiedman unfit to fight. Did you hear is interview afterwards? He sounded awful.