"Functional" Training


Kahuna Dog
Aug 22, 2002
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This questions on when to phase in so called "functional" training including plyos, stability and other super duper wonder exercises.
When is the best time to do so called exercises for a better peak and force development and link?

I'm doing a 3 month conjugate style strength cycle, peaking on the 12th week, then 1 wk deload...with 4peaks a year. Ties into to all the major grappling tournaments I'm trying to enter.

resistance work
wk1-11 3 x wk split, eod 1compound push, 1compound pull, 1compound legs

wk1-4 lsd / prehab exercises
wk5-8 mix lsd(2-3xwk) and intervals(2 x wk)
wk9-11 intervals(more intervals) w/ 1 lsd a wk
wk12 peak

wk9-11 is my power cycle with sub and maximal lifts

My thought is to add it into the tail of the workout as finishers. The core of my training is to move mofo heavy weight, and add those mma wannabe functional 9 pray mantis exercises at the end of my lifting as supplemental exercises.
I'm thinking after wk4 and ramping it up to wk10-11.

Any thoughts on when to add them into the cycle?
Depends on what you're training specifically for. A lot of the exercises you are talking about may not be the most economical choices, but then again most new exercises will allow for rapid initial improvement once you learn the movement. Whether or not it will help you depends on whether or not that movement pattern will have carryover to your sport.