GamerGate News & Discussion v3: Listen and Believe, SOCJUS

in the

Steel Belt
Jan 16, 2006
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This thread is for news and discussion about #GamerGate

Copied and pasted from the good people at The Escapist.

Disclaimer: GamerGate does not, has not, and never will, endorse the harassment or abuse of anyone for any reason. Everyone should call out anyone who attacks, harasses, or abuses anyone.

What does GamerGate want?
In a phrase: Ethical Standards and Practices in the Gaming Journalism Industry.

GamerGate desires straightforward, honest coverage of the industry, such that anyone can read these outlets with the basic expectation that they are being told the truth. In an ideal world, every gaming outlet would adopt the New York Times' Standards and Ethics policies, but that is an unrealistic goal in the world of internet media. As such, we must be content with ethical policies that fit within the limitations. The Escapist, a gaming media site of some repute, has already adopted such a set of standards.

To put it in layman's terms:

Truth and fact must be treated with the respect they deserve. This means, at a minimum:
*Opinions are not to be stated as universal truths
*Hearsay is not to be reported as factual without corroborating evidence
*Assumptions and speculation are not to be reported as fact
*Intentionally misleading or inflammatory wording is not ever to be used, in headlines or elsewhere
*When in doubt, stick only to information that would hold up under examination in a court of law
*Editorials and other opinion pieces are to be kept separate from News pieces. Bias and opinion will always color a writer's work, but they should strive for as much objectivity as reasonably possible in the News. If they wish to share their opinion on the piece, something that should be encouraged, it should be done in a distinct space.
*There's nothing wrong with the News article including "And I think it's great/terrible/stupid/etc, click this link to find out why" or some variation thereof. It is only within the article proper that opinions are to be avoided.
*All journalists must be required to behave professionally within the public space. This includes but is by no means limited to:
*No irrational, emotionally-driven rants
*No insults, threats, or any of the other assorted childishness
*Engage the audience calmly, reasonably, and without rancor, or do not engage them at all
*Be aware when one is within the public space, especially any and all social media.
*Do not treat one's audience as an enemy
*Journalists must strive to be objective. No human can be truly impartial, but journalists must strive to the best of their ability to be above external bias, and to inform their readers when they cannot. Put simply, this means they must, at minimum:
*Recuse themselves from reporting news regarding subjects that they have a personal or financial link to
*Disclose any personal or financial connections to subjects they are giving opinion pieces on (Editorials, Op-Eds, Reviews, etc)
*Engage in honest and fair coverage. Consistency and the interest of/relevance to the audience must be the deciding factor in the decision to run a story.

GamerGate simply wants gaming media websites to adopt some variation on these policies, much like the Escapist has, and actively work to adhere to them. Nothing more and nothing less.

Why is it happening?
Over the last five years, the gaming media has grown increasingly politicized, all with the same political stance and agenda. It has become almost unheard of for a gaming news piece not to include at least a passing comment about a game being retrograde for not matching this stance, or for a game to be praised to the moon because it reflects the right politics. Many gamers are sick of it. Add on to this the claims of corruption, of censorship, of blacklisting, and of careers ruined, and these gamers have become incensed.

Gamers have been lied to, belittled, shamed, stifled, and held in contempt by the industry they created and continue to drive. Developers have been attacked, silenced, belittled, and forced to compromise their art by this same industry.

It has to stop. GamerGate is a grassroots movement by the gaming community to hold the press accountable for their actions and to demand better.

Where did it come from?
GamerGate is a recent, wide-ranging controversy that began in late August 2014 as a direct result of the seemingly corrupt and wildly unprofessional behavior of the gaming press. On August 16, Eron Gjoni, ex-boyfriend of developer Zoe Quinn published a blog on wordpress called The Zoe Post. In this blog, he alleged that Quinn cheated on him with several members of the video game industry, one of whom was a writer for Kotaku. This post created a substantial uproar in the gaming community. Some took the post as license to attack Quinn, while many, many others were incensed by the relationship and potential for conflicts of interest it presented in Grayson's reporting.

Overwhelmingly, the gaming press responded to this in a markedly different fashion from previous, similar allegations and began a campaign of censorship. On nearly every gaming-related website, from user-driven sites like Reddit and NeoGAF to contributor-driven sites like Kotaku, any discussion of the topic, or even topics almost completely unrelated, was quenched immediately and without question. Even a handful of 4chan's moderators came into play and tried to silence the discussion.

This nearly universal response and behavior pattern, wildly outside the normal bounds of the sites in question, made many people suspicious of collusion or conspiracy and questions began to be asked. Such as why it was considered acceptable for a professional journalist to have sex with a subject. Or why there was a nebulous network of financial support between developers and journalists through the use of websites like Patreon. Or even simply if ethical standards existed in the gaming journalism industry.

Major industry figures confirmed that these issues existed and insisted that they were not a problem. Then on August 28/29, 11 gaming news sites (Gamasutra, DailyDot, Kotaku, Polygon, and several others) published articles declaring some variation of 'Gamers are Dead' and that any and all calls for better journalism were made only as cover for 'neckbearded misogynerds' to harass women. This incensed a large portion of their audience and even reached well known actor Adam Baldwin, who coined the Twitter hashtag #gamergate upon his getting involved, which the movement has since adopted as its moniker.

In the ensuing weeks, gamers and the entrenched gaming press have been at odds over the issues of honest and ethical reporting laid out against claims of anonymous harassment and threats.

TechCrunch - #GamerGate - An Issue With Two Sides
Brightside of News - Inside the Secret World of Games Journalism
Breitbart - Exposed: The Secret Mailing List of the Gaming Journalism Elite
DigiTimes - Commentary: Time is running out for console makers to clean up GamerGate - #Gamergate - Insulting consumers shrinks the market
Slate - Gaming Journalism Is Over
Breitbart - Feminist Bullies Tearing the Video Game Industry Apart
A Narrative of #GamerGate
Slate - Twitter is Broken
GamerGate Updates and Current Events

What can you do?
If this cause seems worth supporting to you, the reader, please consider sending an email voicing your discontent to the advertisers that allow such gross journalistic malpractice to continue under their banner. Many gamers have united in this campaign, which has been coined Operation: Disrespectful Nod.

LINKS: here
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More on GamerGate

Timeline of events:
Interactive Timeline 1
* being updated
Interactive Timeline 2
* This is incomplete and may not be being updated.
Lunar Archivist on Why ZQ's private life became #GamerGate's business - a lesson in the Streissand effect and Conflict of Interest
LemonSqueezy on #GamerGate and the hipocrisy of Game Journos and Women in Game Culture

Alleged corruption and racketeering in Indiecade
#GamerGate: Phil Fish Allegedly Outed in Racketeering Scandal & Reddit Mod Speaks Out

"Gamers are Dead" Articles:
As evidence of this corruption of gaming "journalists" banding together to push an agenda, within days of GamerGate, supposed "competitors" published "Gamers are dead" articles within 24 hours of each other. It is also very possible that a public relations firm with ties to many of the corrupt journalists helped push this through, and Leigh Alexander was the point person in all of this. Strong evidence that some gaming "journalists" are simply using the gaming industry to further their careers and personal agendas.

Here is a markdown enabled pastebin of all links.
The information was gathered via this reddit thread:
#GamerGate: Game Journalists Ignored Facts to Push Gamers Are Dead Agenda, According to E-Mails
Dissecting the "death of gamer" articles from TechRaptor
Good Morning, Orthodoxy! #1
Good Morning, Orthodoxy! #2
Good Morning, Orthodoxy! #3
Good Morning, Orthodoxy! #6 - Reflections

Those infamous chat logs a.k.a #GameOverGate - a side-by-side comparison of the caps from LW's tweets and the actual log file
Exclusive: 4chan and Quinn Respond to Gamergate Chat Logs
A Narrative of GamerGate and Examination of Claims of Collusion With 4chan

Blacklisting of #GamerGate supporters and indie devs - pastebin of the blocktogether link before it was removed

GameJournoPros is a private (but not secret) mailing list of 150 games journalists & some game company PR types. Genuinely inspired by JournoList, Kyle Orland of Ars Technica created the list a few yeasr ago. Since the first leaks, more and more information has come out pointing to collusion & cross publication pressure to control certain narratives and blacklisting of devs and journalists.

Links to various articles, including the original exposing the list:
"Maybe we should just use this as an excuse to give more attention to her work... I know I've been meaning to review Depression Quest since its Steam release."

While the rest of the media has mostly ignored the issue of corruption in gaming media, very few websites are engaging in due diligence to get to the bottom of the real matter. One area where GamerGate has a lot of support is from game developers, people in the gaming industry who put in a lot of hard work and rely on creativity to make their products, only to have their work attacked by people pushing agendas. Here is their support.
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Videos about GamerGate:

Here are more videos pertinent to GamerGate, but some info is outdated (still worth watching, though).
Here are some excellent videos concerning GamerGate. Please note that some of the information given in these videos is outdated and/or incorrect, but for the most part, it's easy to decipher what is sourced information and what is mere speculation.

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Continuing from the last thread, it looks like a group (not the whole) of Anons are going to enter the fray.
You guys want people to expose unethical journos or get devs to support gamergate non-anon? Why would they? Eron wasn't a gamergater. Gamergate didn't even exist. All Eron was trying to do was warn people about an abusive manipulator. He was even for social justice bullshit. For his trouble, the journos portrayed him as the harasser(if anything think that you're focusing on the lack of ethics in this rather than on zoe) and then zoe managed to get a bullshit restraining order against him for which he is still $600 in the hole over.

People were calling bullshit on this but the cries of misogyny and harassment worked perfectly and got everyone to shut the fuck about it leaving eron hanging by himself. Which is all the worse because the restraining order gags him from fully defending himself. People are rightfully scared of something similar happening to them if they come out. Gamers abandoned their fellow gamer eron as soon as they thought harping on it could damage the movement. Eron needs to see more support if you want others to start speaking up. The problem is also that eron really seems like he doesn't want to attention whore.

Take for instance the horrible dstroid shit. What's going to come of that if GG start pushing it. Dstroid dies? Big deal, youtubers have been taking over for a while and would fully take it over anyway. The SJW, if they acknowledge it, will probably claim some bullshit about it being emblematic of the toxic masculinity of the gaming industry or some nonsense. The SJW will throw anyone under the bus that they can.

But they can't do that to zoe. Not easily at least. They went to bat for her hardcore including give her money. She is the weak point. Eron is a definite victim in this and should be getting way more support too.

look at this legal harassment shit
You guys want people to expose unethical journos or get devs to support gamergate non-anon? Why would they? Eron wasn't a gamergater. Gamergate didn't even exist. All Eron was trying to do was warn people about an abusive manipulator. He was even for social justice bullshit. For his trouble, the journos portrayed him as the harasser(if anything think that you're focusing on the lack of ethics in this rather than on zoe) and then zoe managed to get a bullshit restraining order against him for which he is still $600 in the hole over.

People were calling bullshit on this but the cries of misogyny and harassment worked perfectly and got everyone to shut the fuck about it leaving eron hanging by himself. Which is all the worse because the restraining order gags him from fully defending himself. People are rightfully scared of something similar happening to them if they come out. Gamers abandoned their fellow gamer eron as soon as they thought harping on it could damage the movement. Eron needs to see more support if you want others to start speaking up. The problem is also that eron really seems like he doesn't want to attention whore.

Take for instance the horrible dstroid shit. What's going to come of that if GG start pushing it. Dstroid dies? Big deal, youtubers have been taking over for a while and would fully take it over anyway. The SJW, if they acknowledge it, will probably claim some bullshit about it being emblematic of the toxic masculinity of the gaming industry or some nonsense. The SJW will throw anyone under the bus that they can.

But they can't do that to zoe. Not easily at least. They went to bat for her hardcore including give her money. She is the weak point. Eron is a definite victim in this and should be getting way more support too.

look at this legal harassment shit

I personally am tired of talking about Zoe. She's a game developer. Even if she's a bad person, she wasn't in the institutions of gaming media power that have been targeting gamers (their own audience) for years now. For about a week, people were too focused on Zoe Quinn (and they united under the #Quinnspiracy hashtag). That's when I wanted no part of what would later grow into the GamerGate movement. Zoe took too much heat. It was Nathan Grayson and the other four, possibly seven, guys she used to cheat on Eron. Again, Zoe is not part of the corrupt media. GamerGate was right to move past Zoe Quinn, and it's important she remains nothing more than a relevant footnote and not a primary focus.

I might find her actions despicable, but I don't live in a glass house. I've messed up from time to time. She's only relevant to GG simply for a blog post about her last relationship being the catalyst for consumer revolt. The blog post, not Zoe, was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I think the court case is a sham and what's being done to Eron Gjoni (the writer of the blog post and the victim of Zoe's abuse) is shameful and unethical. But that's a side issue to GamerGate. If anything, it shows corruption in our judicial branch, but that isn't the same thing as the gaming media and thus isn't a target of GG.
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The journos all lined up to call her the victim and eron, along with anyone that gave a shit, misogynistic harasser in multiple coordinated articles. Now you want to ignore that unresolved unethical situation and focus on a more nebulous idea of corruption and male gawker assholes because tiredness or feeling bad for zoe?

fucking perfect

operation 'become occupywallstreet' in full effect
now i get why you posted: ☭☭☭
The journos all lined up to call her the victim and eron, along with anyone that gave a shit, misogynistic harasser in multiple coordinated articles. Now you want to ignore that unresolved unethical situation and focus on a more nebulous idea of corruption and male gawker assholes because tiredness or feeling bad for zoe?

fucking perfect

operation 'become occupywallstreet' in full effect

You're free to post about Zoe all you want, but most of us don't think she's too relevant at this point. But I do wonder... what good do you think would come out of focusing on a lowly game developer? What's the endgame and result?

now i get why you posted: ☭☭☭

oh please, i despise socialism

Calm down. He's talking about the XOXO conference, not you.

It was a conference where a group of anti-GG people spoke, and during Anita's presentation, she used a font similar to the "OBEY" font that INGSOC used in the movie 1984, except her words were "LISTEN AND BELIEVE." That's the genesis of the thread title.

Also, SOCJUS (social justice) is a play on INGSOC.
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The journos all lined up to call her the victim and eron, along with anyone that gave a shit, misogynistic harasser in multiple coordinated articles. Now you want to ignore that unresolved unethical situation and focus on a more nebulous idea of corruption and male gawker assholes because tiredness or feeling bad for zoe?

fucking perfect

operation 'become occupywallstreet' in full effect

I wouldn't want to concentrate on one particular person for too long. ZQ is not a saint, and when things come to light on the whole situation she'll get hers. At the moment, there are a lot of people embedded in the media around her that are too happy to drag her out and use her as a shield. If/when we get them to recognize the ailing condition their little house of cards is in, then everything will unravel in kind.

Right now concentrating on her is exactly the type of thing many of the vocal (and covered by the main-stream media) detractors are hoping we will do. We don't need to hand those same detractors martyrs or shields. Things will come full circle enough, and I'm hoping that Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Alexander Leigh, Brianna Wu and all their ilk and supporters (Grayson, Totillo, Biddle, and that fuckhead executive at Dell) will be revisited in due time.
Amazing how this guy started this series well over a year ago, but they're still relevant today.


That's it. Now the AAA devs are taking off the gloves and join in the fight.
As far as the SJW-opted sec of Anon are concern, they are working for the anti GG side for Quinn and cohort. The old school Anonymous is dead. Now what we are having is gonna be a homeless leader*** named "Commander X" along with a transsexual hacker and their "legion". As this point it looked like it gonna be some Low Orbit Ion Cannon and big words.

Meanwhile the other sect of Anonymous is not exactly behind this one (nevermind that they don't even take Commander X seriously), some of them recognized GamerGate being smeared back and forth. Words are they behind GamerGate at least. But like i said, it looked like they might attack places like The Escapist, r/KIA and /gg/. They aren't here to fight against the power. They are only here to make themselves feel good and all.