[?]Getting the most out of deadlifting after squatting


Purple Belt
Oct 6, 2009
Reaction score
Ill keep it short. Im doing Texas Method. It suits my weekly sheduele perfectly. But it has me squatting heavy and deadlifting heavy on the intensity day(day 3)

This didnt bother me at the start. But now my 1RM is 440lbs(200k) I find myself doing the stronglifts version (alternate 3,2,1RM) very taxing.

Do you guys have any routines that work when deadlifting after squatting?

Some ideas ive had in mind:
- Speed sets
- Assistance exercise (snatch dead, deficit pulls, ??) for 1,2,3RM alternate each week.
- This approach: The Intermediate Deadlift Cycle

So if anyone got a good approach or a good routine to keep making gains on, tell me.

If it matters, here's my TM routine atm
Day 1: volume
Squats: 5x5,3x5,1x5 alternate
Add 50 bench
Press: 3x10rep
RDLs: 4x6rep
Chins: 3x5
Maybe some direct ab work

Day 2: low stress
Cleans 3x3
OH squats: 3x5
Snatches: 6x2
Some upper back lift

Day 3: intesnity
Squats: Heavy single or 3 singles at 90%
Add 50 bench
Deadlift: ???
Kroc rows; one heavy set
Hanging leg raises