Movies GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE (Passes $550 Million Worldwide)

If you have seen GODZILLA X KONG, how would you rate it?

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  • 1 - Abysmal

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I’m honestly just not interested in this movie at all. The last one gave me the satisfying resolution I wanted. This one yeah I guess it’s cool they’re teaming up, but the bad guy is just a big Orangutan? Who gives a fuck about that

That kind of goes into the problem with a lot of American made Godzilla movies vs Japanese ones. They just don’t get creative with the bad guys or have fun with it

Edit: oh God I just watched the new trailer and the CGI is downright bad.
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I actually have liked all the Legendary Godzilla movies but this one’s not looking that good to me. I have no idea what they’re trying to do with this one. At this point he’s fought and defeated his two classic arch enemies, King Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla, we’ve seen Mothra and Rodan, and he’s even fought against and teamed up with Kong. There’s literally nowhere left for this series to go imo other than to have Godzilla and Kong rematch against each other and for Godzilla to go bad and eventually die at the end. That’s how you end the Legendary/Monsterverse series for Godzilla, but that certainly doesn’t seem to be the direction this movie is taking.
Godzilla 2014 was enjoyable, KOTM felt like a letdown, and Godzilla vs Kong wasn’t good. This…looks like the worst one yet. Maybe the trailer is misleading and it’l be good but after Godzilla Minus One I don’t know how this can be anything but a downgrade. Hope I’m wrong
Godzilla emerges from a light blue and pink cocoon, and has pink scales now?


Trans folk gonna run with this one just like Spider-Gwen.
I actually have liked all the Legendary Godzilla movies but this one’s not looking that good to me. I have no idea what they’re trying to do with this one. At this point he’s fought and defeated his two classic arch enemies, King Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla, we’ve seen Mothra and Rodan, and he’s even fought against and teamed up with Kong. There’s literally nowhere left for this series to go imo other than to have Godzilla and Kong rematch against each other and for Godzilla to go bad and eventually die at the end. That’s how you end the Legendary/Monsterverse series for Godzilla, but that certainly doesn’t seem to be the direction this movie is taking.
“A lava pterodactyl and a three headed lightning spitting dragon was cool… but what if he fights a giant monkey?”

“You mean like Kong?”

“No Kong was a Gorilla. What if it was an orangutan instead?”
This looks like hammered shit.

Godzilla Minus One (the best Godzilla movie of my half-century life) showed that we can have Godzilla movies that are well written, intelligent and emotional. Why is it that we have to choke down this ridiculous crap, that looks like an eight-year-old who was hopped up on sugar cereal hallucinated a video game plot meant for five-year-olds? Kong's robot armor. The pathetic CGI. The buddy cop charge. Pathetic.

We don't have to settle for the lowest common denominator, so why can't they put a little and heart into these movies?
Are you aware that most of the Japanese films are absurdly goofy? Man… you need to actually watch more than one or two of their movies. I hate to be a gatekeeper but some of you guys really don’t seem like Godzilla fans based on your comments. I’ve seen every single one and most are really silly and the American ones seem to be embracing that side more.
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I actually have liked all the Legendary Godzilla movies but this one’s not looking that good to me. I have no idea what they’re trying to do with this one. At this point he’s fought and defeated his two classic arch enemies, King Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla, we’ve seen Mothra and Rodan, and he’s even fought against and teamed up with Kong. There’s literally nowhere left for this series to go imo other than to have Godzilla and Kong rematch against each other and for Godzilla to go bad and eventually die at the end. That’s how you end the Legendary/Monsterverse series for Godzilla, but that certainly doesn’t seem to be the direction this movie is taking.
They don’t have the rights to use all the Toho monsters so they have to create bigger threats on their own. Maybe in the future we’ll get more license agreements but until then I guess this is what they’re doing. The evil ape might not be the big bad guy anyway, there are some teases that it might be another titan
Last comment on this topic. Godzilla has been around for 70 years and it’s always been an experimental franchise . Godzilla and his design has changed dozens of times. The tone of the films have shifted drastically back and forth over that time period too. Everyone is entitled to their personal tastes but I take issue with people singling out Legendary for taking this direction. The more corny side of the franchise has been done before and many times already. We should all be grateful that there’s something for everyone. Personally I enjoy both and I hope it stays this way because right now things are perfectly balanced. Eventually I imagine Japan too will start to take on new monsters again. You can only reboot or repeat the origin so many times. Loved shin Godzilla and minus ones too though btw
Are you aware that most of the Japanese films are absurdly goofy? Man… you need to actually watch more than one or two of their movies. I hate to be a gatekeeper but some of you guys really don’t seem like Godzilla fans based on your comments. I’ve seen every single one and most are really silly and the American ones seem to be embracing that side more.

I’m not complaining about the cheese. As I said before, I have liked all three of the previous Legendary Godzilla movies. And even if this is a bit cheesy it doesn’t appear to be even remotely close to the amount of cheese as say Godzilla vs Megalon or Final Wars, both of which were off the charts ridiculous. My main complaint is I feel like they kind of blew their load too early using up Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla already. Like who’s left from Godzilla’s Rolodex of enemies that could be considered “classic”? Angirus was always an ally except for in Godzilla Raids Again. I think the monster with the next most appearances would be Gigan probably, but he’s not particularly iconic compared to Ghidorah or Mechagodzilla.
So, jesus christ, why are these the bad guys? I'm not racing out to see this one.
Well judging by the comments ITT, I'm not alone in thinking this trailer looks awful. When I looked through youtube comments and saw unanimous praise, I was starting to wonder "Is it just me getting jaded?"

And holyshit that CGI looks awful. It made me search for "CGI is getting worse" content like this:

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The CGI looks sketch but I'm all in! Loved the last one.
Are you aware that most of the Japanese films are absurdly goofy? Man… you need to actually watch more than one or two of their movies. I hate to be a gatekeeper but some of you guys really don’t seem like Godzilla fans based on your comments. I’ve seen every single one and most are really silly and the American ones seem to be embracing that side more.

I've said before, I've been a Godzilla fan for forty five years. Literally my earliest memory is watching Son of Godzilla when I was six. I own Godzilla toys that are older than my house. I'm well aware of his history and the quality of the older films. But they are products of their times, and there's no excuse for putting out shit products in today's day and age. We do not need to accept bad films just because the franchise has a history of bad films.
Not going to lie, having just seen Minus One yesterday and then seeing this trailer pop up today I'm... Uninterested. It's like if I had just seen Unforgiven in theatres, then the next day saw a trailer for Unforgiven: Back in the Saddle, a movie set in the same property, but by Happy Madison productions and starring Adam Sandler and his usual crew.

Godzilla has been, historically, tonally all over the place. This movie isn't even entirely out of sorts with what Godzilla can be. I'm just so not feeling vapid, shallow fluff that is basically a Godzilla skinned American summer blockbuster though, after being so blown away by Minus One. But, ultimately, it will scratch an itch for some, so have at it! Nothing wrong with others enjoying something I'm not so into.
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Felt like I was watching a trailer for Godzilla x Kong: The Game.
I've said before, I've been a Godzilla fan for forty five years. Literally my earliest memory is watching Son of Godzilla when I was six. I own Godzilla toys that are older than my house. I'm well aware of his history and the quality of the older films. But they are products of their times, and there's no excuse for putting out shit products in today's day and age. We do not need to accept bad films just because the franchise has a history of bad films.
Well I don't think they're bad. I like most of them and so do many other people, it's part of the larger Tokusatsu genre so I'd argue it's more than simply a product of its time considering it's still around today in the form of other shows. Anime just took off and got a lot more popular. Anyway, we had 2014 Godzilla and it was a snooze fest. Give me monster mayhem any day over that. Also, as good as Minus One was eventually people are going to get tired of the origin story over and over again. Toho eventually needs to introduce more monsters imo so it's only a matter of time until stuff gets crazy again. Did you see what Shin Godzilla 2 was going to be?
Just saw a commercial for this , how epic is that baby Kong beating his chest.

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