Gym dudes, always ask for a spot! Graphic video/picture

Gymnasts are beasts. Most of them aren't big dudes but like you say, the Strength to Weight Ratio is off the damn charts. The Crucifix or Iron Cross just leaves me in awe. Even at my strongest, which was a very long time ago, I couldn't even get close to that level of Relative Strength.

Competitive Climbers can do insane body weight stuff as well. I've seen them hang off a climbing wall with just the fingers of one hand, with no visible strain. Spider-Man shit.

One of my mates learned it with a assisting device. Modified assist iron cross. He's strong AF. He has muscle ups on rings. I'm learning. The form is weird vs a bar. He says in time, I'll like it better as there's more give vs a straight bar. I remember prime mcgregor training rings with Ido Portal. I think it's a amazing tool and piece of equipment. Shocked more fighters don't use it tbh. I think it's better for fighters and functionality especially making weight and sheer power.

I worked with a rock climber years ago. He called it boldering? He showed me a pic of his buddy. The guys rotator cuff was huge. Each of the 4 muscles was obnoxiously big and strong. Over use and developed.
Sleep is absolutely vital. I tend to have a nap after coming home from the gym, and try to get a minimum of seven hours sleep each night. As the old saying goes,

"You don't get stronger by lifting weights. You get stronger by recovering from lifting weights"

I saw a good roe jogan pod on sleep. Great insights. Sleep kills. Lower reaction time and car accidents. Sleep apnea ruins lives. Insomnia is a mofo. It drastically rooms thr quality of life. You want deep REM sleep. you want good quality oxygen going to the brain. If you wake with brain fog often, go get a sleep test done. And get checked out.

Workouts will decline. No PRs. Difficulty and arguably impossible to lose weight consistently and keep it off. It Jack's up vital organs and systems of the body. Imagine a testosterone panel test following rubbish sleep.

That saying reminds me of another. "Abs are mad in the kitchen. Not the gym."
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