Has anyone used a lo-bloo or diamond mma cup?

havent tried either of those but the jaco ones dont move at all, no matter what youre doing
That is one thing that looks appealing to me. Every time I have been hurt with a cup on is because someone slid across me and scraped my cup over my own nuts. When I switched to a nutty buddy years ago, it stopped that problem altogether. But the nutty buddy has a habit of falling out of my jock now since Bike doesn't make the narrow jocks anymore and the jocks you can still buy are too wide to keep the nutty buddy in place. I'm sick of my cup falling out of my pant leg in the middle of practice.
I have the Diamond cup with compression shorts and I don't use them for bjj. The shorts with the strap are very tight and kept the cup from moving well. They offer decent protection. If I did some striking regularly I think it would be worth using. It is overkill for accidental contact in my opinion and not worth all the extra money. I tired the Diamond jock strap and it just did not fit properly like the straps in the shorts.

I use a regualr Shock doctor cup with strap and that is fine for bjj. I was able to buy several straps for less than the price of any of the Diamond products.
I still used Jaco from year ago.

Teammate of mine uses both the Jaco and Diamond cup. Says he's never had any problems with either both in training and fights