Heavybag round length?

nick jacoby

Brown Belt
Nov 25, 2016
Reaction score
How many rounds do you usually do on the heavy bag
and how many minutes per round?
10 x 3 min. Or 20 x 3 min. 30 sec rest
All training I do is the same length as the rounds I'll be competing in.

For volume I do double or triple of what I'll compete in, and in sets

So in ammy MT here its 3x2min

So my rounds will be:

(3x2) x 3

1min rest. If its conditioning it'll be a bit different
really depends on what you are trying to do man. but in general, i would say just do 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest. Do anywhere from 3-5 rounds and then move on to pads/drills/sparring etc.

When training by myself was starting to get really boring, i would do shorter rounds, with a shorter rest, and higher intesity so that I would frequently be chaning my location on my circuit as to not get bored. My circuit was heavy bag, shadow box, double end bag, wall bag.....repeat.
I go until my form starts to unravel. Then I get a drink, walk around and get back onto the bag before it stops swinging. My first rounds can be 5-8 minutes but quickly shorten as my session goes on. This might not be the structured training required for ring fighting but it serves my purpose.
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My warm up is usually 1 hour rounds non stop with a minute break between rounds, I do 12 of them and then I'm ready for bed.
For cardio I really like 10-15 minute rounds. Obviously you have to pace yourself.

If not I’ll do 3-5 minutes with 1 minute rest. Maybe 5 rounds