How long do you lift/workout for per session?

If you have 2-4 hours to kill in order to train in the gym, then great. I'm more of an in and out kinda guy. I'm also weak and skinny. @JimRussel is a huge, vanilla, man gorilla and trains for twice as long, and twice as often. You see where I'm going?
I just noticed when i deadlift, the bar is hanging from my fingers and the bar is not fully gripped by my palm. Is that normal?
I just noticed when i deadlift, the bar is hanging from my fingers and the bar is not fully gripped by my palm. Is that normal?

Try to be more diligent when setting up and turn your knuckles to the floor in forearm flexion.
Right now, after warmup: approximately 40 min-1h of main lifts, 30 min of accesory and 30+ min of conditioning.
45-minutes to an hour, but I do multiple sessions in a day and i bike to work (where the gym is)
I read recently (can't remember where, may even have been sherdog) that working out for longer doesn't really do you much good. Something about deiminishing returns. For example your first working set will do you the most good for your strength, every subsequent set does less and less until eventually it starts making you weaker. This may be a load of balls and I can't give a source as I can't remember where I saw it
I read recently (can't remember where, may even have been sherdog) that working out for longer doesn't really do you much good. Something about deiminishing returns. For example your first working set will do you the most good for your strength, every subsequent set does less and less until eventually it starts making you weaker. This may be a load of balls and I can't give a source as I can't remember where I saw it

It's a load of balls.

Most stuff is subject to diminishing marginal returns. Like, if I train for a few hours a week sprinting, my 100m and 200m time will explode in the first few weeks. The next few weeks, it will go up a bit less. The week after that, a bit less. And so on.

So yes, if you work out an hour, three times a week, that is great compared to nothing. If you make it two hours, three times a week... will that be twice as much? No, probably not. But you will still be bigger and stronger than if it was just three hours a week. Now add another three hours. Will you be three times stronger and bigger... no, probably not. But you will still be stronger and bigger.

Yes, better guys work harder and harder to get smaller and smaller results. That's how it goes, if you want to be really good at something.
I think there's not much of a difference if you exercise 1hour with high intensity or 2 hours with long rest periods or extra stretching. It's all about intensity. I personally spend from 1hours to 2hours depends if I run 30min before workout and how much I stretch after a workout.
You really can't compare these things. How long someone have to train before going into overtraining depends entirely on the individual.

Age, training history, life stressors, goals, nutrition, sleep, genetics, intensity/frequency/volume, type of training, adaptability, movement economy, injuries, hormone levels, natural vs gear. So on.

It's impossible to say that one duration of training is necessarily better than another, there's simply too many variables. Most of the time if you are natural, have a full time job, family and/or responsibility, then less is more. Again, it depends.
If I’m doing 10x3 of a heavy compound like or memelord Hemingway Blahino tells me to, I’m in the gym over an hour