How many here actually know how to drive?

No dude... it's for passing. You pass and get the fuck back over in the right lane. That's how you get a smooth traffic flow.

That is incredibly inefficient. Both lanes must be utilized. And the two second rule must be observed.
maybe if it wasn't so embarrassingly easy to get a car or motorcycle licence in the US the OPs issues wouldn't be so rife. Horrendously low standards set to get license in the US
I'm good with all but #9 (I will answer and talk on my phone). I'll stop once it becomes illegal in my state. But after driving in China for years, talking on a phone while driving is nothing.

I'll also use high beams if I'm on a less traveled road. At the sign of seeing another car, I'll obviously switch them off until they pass.
One can not drive in a constant speed on the freeway unless you are hella old
That is incredibly inefficient. Both lanes must be utilized. And the two second rule must be observed.

It's not inefficient. What creates traffic is not allowing a flow. If two cars are driving the exact same speed in both lanes, it will create traffic. It happens on the highway all the time and on two lane roads. If everyone passes and gets back over, it allows a natural traffic flow.
I just got home from a short drive. It is absolutely pouring down rain here. Extremely dark and overcast with hella hard rain. Half the drivers didnt even have their lights on. Wtf. I guess they think "oh its daytime, zero need for headlights"
Because on the road, I think maybe 5% actually know how to properly drive and it drives me nuts. Let make a list of what I consider knowing how to drive properly:

1) Always use blinkers.
2) Always stop at stop signs... not yielding, actually stopping.
3) Always stop at red lights when making a right on red.
4) Yielding when at a left or right turn light when the left or right light green light turns into a green for straight traffic.
5) Going a constant speed on the highway.
6) Not going around traffic on the highway by riding the exit lane until it ends and then cutting all the traffic off.
7) Not riding in the passing lane on the highway or the left lane in a two lane road unless making a left.
8) Not stopping in a traffic circle.
9) Not using a cell phone in any manner while driving.
10) Not riding with your blinker on for 5 miles.
11) Not using your high beams at night.
12) Turning your headlights on at night.

Because every single time I drive, I do all the above, but most other drivers do not at all.
I do most of these, except I'm a fast driver, I go over the speed limit, and I'm always passing cars in the streets and freeway. Other than that, I'm pretty damn efficient.
i also pull over to the curb before making a right turn, after i signal
Actually that's just what YOU consider to be good driving.

Although I agree with a lot of your points the truth of the matter except for traffic lights, a lot traffic laws are designed to generate income via citations.

An actual good driver would use traffic laws/signs more as a guideline than a rule of law.

I don't need to see a stop sign to make sure there isn't any traffic coming before I pull in/out of a street. That's just common fucking sense.

I don't need to see a 55mph sign on a busted ass highway to know I shouldn't be going 80mph over pot hole alley.

The point I'm trying to make is that all these micro managed roads are completely unnessasary for competent drivers. I've driven in a lot of places with little or no traffic laws/signs or where the they were completely ignored and I'm still cruising safe.
I think every motherfucker and their mom thinks they're the top 1% of drivers so it may not mean much when I say "I do!'"

I learned to drive in NYC so that's like starting a game in 'expert mode'. I hope that adds to my credentials.

It doesn't take much to be good. I don't follow every rule in the book, I just have certain rules I follow that makes me better than 90-something percent of drivers.

Don't FUCKIN' tailgate. This is the biggest rule idiots violate. You should always be able to stop if the car in front of you theoretically comes to a COMPLETE STOP. If you can't, you're too close fool!

Don't drive side by side with other drivers - Not only is it an asshole move to folks behind you, but if they swerve because they're texting, they're hitting you.

Signal you jackass - Self-explanatory.

Learn to read car body language - If the car next to you is speeding up behind a car not going that fast, they want to merge in your lane. Don't be a dipshit and speed up.

If you're being tailgated move over! - Let the jackass behind you take off, and you'll never have to deal with them again. Let the cops deal with 'em, don't try to play 'mommy' on a "they shouldn't be speeding" bullshit.

Slow down in parking lots - People back up and drive, assuming they're the only people in the parking lot.

Assume everyone is trying to crash into you - Trust that other drivers have no idea wtf they're doing... Because they usually don't.

Do that my friends and you'll be better than 99% of drivers.
Expert driver checking in, and being able to multitask on my cell phone while doing 80 makes me even more expert...but I definitely throw my beer at anyone else I see texting while driving...
Here's what I do that most people don't do and they wind up causing a shit ton of unnecessary traffic.

When I need to get from the fast lane to an exit, I prepare well ahead of time and merge through each lane slowly without slamming on my brakes or cutting people off. I don't do that shit where I wait until the last second and just force my way over because that was the fastest route for me. People that do that shit are selfish dicks.
That's good to know. I genuinely thought it was the norm in the US to drive automatic.
It’s not helping that manufacturers are making fewer and fewer manuals with sticks. I doubt they’ll even be making them within 10-15 years. Everybody should learn to drive on one. The first time I ever got behind the wheel was at 10–11 years old on a junked out 1960’s school bus my grandpa had on his farm. That clutch was fucking heavy <Lmaoo>
Because on the road, I think maybe 5% actually know how to properly drive and it drives me nuts. Let make a list of what I consider knowing how to drive properly:

1) Always use blinkers.
2) Always stop at stop signs... not yielding, actually stopping.
3) Always stop at red lights when making a right on red.
4) Yielding when at a left or right turn light when the left or right light green light turns into a green for straight traffic.
5) Going a constant speed on the highway.
6) Not going around traffic on the highway by riding the exit lane until it ends and then cutting all the traffic off.
7) Not riding in the passing lane on the highway or the left lane in a two lane road unless making a left.
8) Not stopping in a traffic circle.
9) Not using a cell phone in any manner while driving.
10) Not riding with your blinker on for 5 miles.
11) Not using your high beams at night.
12) Turning your headlights on at night.

Because every single time I drive, I do all the above, but most other drivers do not at all.
Newly-licensed driver detected!