How to Defeat the Opposite Ideology

*** Replace liberalism for conservatism if you are conservative.

Imagine that by 50 years' time you had to reduce conversatives to no more than 5% of the U.S. population. How would you do it?

Rules: NO KILLING OR VIOLENCE. You have to win the war of ideas.

Would you focus on controlling the media so it only promotes liberalism? Would you focus on promoting liberalism in public schools so kids grow up knowing nothing else? Ignore your morality for this thought experiment and focus on what will work most effectively and efficiently.

I'd focus on controlling education and having an effective Democratic party that knows how to win, but I'll give my full answer later.

is this even something that we'd really want?

can we not acknowledge the fringe within our own "team" and how its good to have them checked from time to time by the other side?
There shouldn't be an attempt to "defeat" the opposing ideology unless its something god awfully retarded like communism or Nazism.

The solution should be for both liberals and conservatives to open rational calm dialogues with one another and attempt create and equal ground among each other so cooperation is established

Then purge the radicals who lean to far to the extremes on either side and halt the dividing tactics our corrupt governments use to distract us from the bigger picture.

or just call someone a cuck and argue over a fucking statue ad nauseam maybe thats better.
So you think we can get rid of conservatives or liberals?

I agree with the point you're responding to so I'll just pick up from here. We can't get rid of political divisions, and they inevitably will line up roughly along left/right lines (no inevitability around liberalism or conservatism, though).