I need to lose 17 lbs within 2 weeks


Oct 23, 2017
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Hi guys, I need to make weight for a competition. I am 187 lbs now. I will need to be 170 by 2 weeks from now. Any ideas? LOL....I need to maintain muscle mass.

Thanks, i'll take any tips I can get.
Track ur weight every day and try to lose around pound a day. Cut the proccessed foods out and drink lots of water.
I assume ur weigh in is day before competition so in that case u should start cutting ur water just day before u step on the scales. The best way for me is using bathtub which doesnt tire u out so easy.
U probably dont have it but consider buying sweet sweat if u are cutting weight for competition frequently. It really helps to sweat faster and get rid of extra pounds.
Hope it helped
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Track ur weight every day and try to lose around pound a day. Cut the proccessed foods out and drink lots of water.
I assume ur weigh in is day before competition so in that case u should start cutting ur water just day before u step on the scales. The best way for me is using bathtub which doesnt tire u out so easy.
U probably dont have it but consider buying sweet sweat if u are cutting weight for competition frequently. It really helps to sweat faster and get rid of extra pounds faster.
Hope it helped

Thanks, I'll try this.

1. What do you mean bathtub?
2. Are there any side effects of sweet sweat?
Thanks, I'll try this.

1. What do you mean bathtub?
2. Are there any side effects of sweet sweat?
Hot water bathtub, makes u sweat really fast, i usually do 15 mins in, 5 mins out for about 4 times and easily lose around 4-6 pounds.
Sweet sweat basically just opens your pores so water can leave body faster. Dont think there are any major negative side effects about it as most of UFC fighters regularly use it too.
Cutting 17lbs in 2 weeks is easy money...If you prepped your body for the 17lb cut several weeks prior to starting your weight loss. If you've been eating Doritos and skipping workouts for the last few months I definitely would not recommend trying to lose 17lbs in 2 weeks.

If you haven't prepped for the cut then most of the weight you lose is going to be water, as when you restrict your calorie intake, your body is going to kick into survival mode and try to hang onto as much weight as it can at first.

You need to lose 17lbs, a gallon weights roughly 8.5 lbs. Do you think you can drop 2 gallons of fluid from your body in 2 weeks and still healthy enough to compete?
Shave your balls. That lost me an even 5 pounds. Next stop, taintville.