I want/need some immediate results on chest x-ray, lungs, etc. - Should I go to ER?


Steel Belt
Mar 8, 2005
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So I've been having lung/chest/sternum/rib pain for maybe 2 weeks. Just thought it was heartburn or infection or something. I'm not coughing or anything though. I just tired with a sore/heavy/itchy chest. Now it's gotten quite a bit worse.

Anywho, I leave on vacation in 3 days and don't have a primary care doctor b/c I switched insurance. I have a $150 co-pay for ER. Can/Should I go into the ER and they'll take my blood tests and chest xray, EKG, etc.? I feel like by the time I find a doctor, they order tests, x-rays, results, etc. it's going to take forever and it's still going to cost the same b/c I have a $20 co-pay for every appointment I go to.

Should I just go to the ER? I mean if they can do it all in a few hours with the $150 then it's not a bad deal.
If you're sure your co-pay is only $150, but I would also make a slightly bigger deal of it. I took my wife to the ER one day thinking we only had a co-pay but then they deemed it not an emergency and gave us a bill for $1100.
if the doctor wrote you a script for it it should only take about 20 minutes. Have you even seen a doctor?
I guess urgent care would be an option but the urgent care is not going to be setup with specialists and x-ray and CT (if needed) and all that stuff. A hospital ER will. The urgent care is there to help you if you don't have a doc or get hurt/sick after hours and need someone to write you a prescription IMO. I'm faily sure if I went to urgent care with my desribed symptons they'd send me to ER for chest x-ray.
I have a feeling it will cost me more than $150 though. Apparently that's just my co-pay to get in. After that I cover 10% until I reach my out of pocket max for the year. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I've had other family costs this year and am probably near my max anyway.
its probably the only sure way to get the results in a day or two...
just go. -or go to are urgent care -they send all of their films to a specialist to double check their diagnosis anyways