If you could get rid of any state...

lol. when people say california, they really only mean the coast. the inland area of the state is just like any other rural state.
lol. when people say california, they really only mean the coast. the inland area of the state is just like any other rural state.
True enough. There are some good people in CA, and its beautiful. But the lunatics and politics form most peoples opinions, mine included.
lol. when people say california, they really only mean the coast. the inland area of the state is just like any other rural state.
the inland of california is considered the shittier area this is also why property is cheaper there.
California and NY should be their own country
If California, NY, Massachusettes and NJ formed their own nation, it would rank #1 globally in all metrics for quality of life, education and prosperity. The South and Midwest drag us down.
I'd get rid of... California

I know I live here and I love this state but it's home to all the pesos in hollyweird and the radical left in general so we need to go.

I was in LA recently and boy your streets are smelling real bad of urine. @TSO
I knew CA would get a lot of votes but CA provides us the most produce. If you want to get rid of the most useless state, I'd say Alaska or Hawaii. Or Michigan, Detroit is there. Doing more harm than good.

Florida is like our retarded cousin or the jester. It's there for our amusement. From Disney World to the idiot citizens of Florida. I heard they still haven't caught that Florida serial killer.
I was in LA recently and boy your streets are smelling real bad of urine. @TSO
Yeah, most major cities smell bad but the homeess population we have here takes it to another level. You can literally get hepatitis just walking downtown.
Missouri, fuck them. Whole bunch of nothing and they gave me food poisoning. Been alive for 40 years, never been poisoned until I went to missouri.

I would be happy if America was split like this. New Netherland would DOMINATE despite our tiny size, and we'll have enough money to import all our food from the menial labor states.