If You Were A Fighter, What Would Be Your Nickname?

The dragon. Oh yeah
This thread seems like a thread to figure out people's first and last names...

I'll bite Christian CC Cervantes
Names are earned in the cage or ring.

Back in my fighting days I was getting hammered in the corner. When I bit down on my mouth guard it looked like was smiling. So while getting pumbled I bite down on my mouth piece "smiled" and fought my wAy out.
"No Mercy" sounds like a cool nickname that would embody the type of fighter I'd fantasize about being (a come forward fighter who put relentless pressure on their opponents and always went for the finish), however it doesn't really roll off the tongue when said alongside my real name like I'd want it to.

What would be yours?
Bob Sagets Anus
My husband calls me "Ninja Kitty." I think that would be a fun one to go with.