It has a place in training for hypertrophy work
Just sure you combine hypertrophy work with low-intensity-interval training and strength/power adaptations with high-intensity-interval training to avoid "physiological opposing adaptations"
Nothing more hilarious then watching some doofus who reps 135 on flat bench hog the cable machine for cable xovers... legit the dumbest shit ever unless you’re an endgame bodybuilder trying to fix deficiencies in your physique
Nothing more hilarious then watching some doofus who reps 135 on flat bench hog the cable machine for cable xovers... legit the dumbest shit ever unless you’re an endgame bodybuilder trying to fix deficiencies in your physique
Unless you do them standing on bosu balls. Then they are legit.
....you're one of them aren't you?
Hey man, that exercise cured years of hip pain and enabled me to be physically active again. I will be fucking the air with a cable between my legs for the rest of my life, the squat and deadlift can go fuck right off.
Hey man, that exercise cured years of hip pain and enabled me to be physically active again. I will be fucking the air with a cable between my legs for the rest of my life, the squat and deadlift can go fuck right off.

....I'll allow an exception for you this one time only
Get Your cable on girlfriend!
You need to stop.

20+ years of these frail bitches hogging up the cable crossover just because they can see there bird chest in the mirror unobstructed. I need to do a real exercise in tri cep pull downs and these effing manlets gym bro douches are always in the GD cable crossover ffs. I swear the next time some gym fool with zero traps, zero def, and zero size, goes to the cross over I'm going to unconsciously reflexively KHTFO with a shin to the temple(no I'm not raging).


Triceps pull downs?? You’re no better than the cable cross dorks! There’s no reason to do tricep pull downs unless you’re s competitive bodybuilder who was specifically told by judges that he needs tricep shape development. If you just want to have strong arms and be in great functional shape you should be doing dips and close grip bench.
No I'm fucking hulk.
