Is Ross Enamait the Holy Grail of Strength & Conditioning?

I'm a mod on Ross's forum, so of course I think he's great as a trainer and source of inspiration. The main problem with Ross's S&C approach is an under emphasis on development if aerobic base. He's started before he expects this to come from sparring or mitt work or the old classic am roadwork, but the reality is that many people training without an S&C coach read his stuff then go all in and leave the cardio behind. This is a recipe for being overly reliant on anaerobic energy systems. I hope he fixes this in new editions of his work.

I've only got Never Gymless, but in that one he recommends a pretty balanced approach. There's some good aerobic stuff in the Minute Drills and whatnot.
Hey, I started a separate thread looking for some other program templates I can follow similar to Ross's infinite intensity and never gymless programs. His are the best in my opinion as far as well rounded and making them in such a way you can easily interchange exercises (depending on equipment or physical limitations) or gear to emphasize strength over conditioning or vice versa. I haven't seen another yet that spells out over 6 weeks worth of strength and conditioning all in one place to follow. Any suggestions?

PS: the reason I ask is simply because I've already gone through 2 or 3 variations of Ross's Infinite Intensity and Never Gymless programs (someone turned me onto him like a decade ago) so I just want something different and new to keep me motivated. Here is my thread if you want to respond here:

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