ISPs say they can’t expand broadband unless gov’t gives them more money

ISPs say they can’t expand broadband unless gov’t gives them more money

Industry asks for handouts, arguing that broadband is essential—like a utility.

Please excuse the brevity of my commentary, I just don't have the fucking words. The fucking balls on these pieces of shit. Subsidize the costs, privatize the benefits.


Amazing!!. Fight like hell to.privatize the net for profit then frame IPS like it's a utility for government money.
Good thing we took the side of the ISP's on net neutrality, they are such honest brokers.
This is true. Regulations make it nearly impossible for smaller competitors to be viable. Big guys love 'em.

Out here in CA we have a Department of Cosmetologists, or some licensing body like that. So apparently even cosmetologists are using government to eliminate competition.