I've Discovered Some VERY Relaxing Music. Have You Heard Anything More Relaxing Than This?

I like drones, including the drones of India which isn't this.
When I really wanna chill I put on Boards of Canada.

hate this kind of shit. nothingness pandering to be something to empty headed pretentious hipsters
hate this kind of shit. nothingness pandering to be something to empty headed pretentious hipsters

ambient music, at least to me, is almost more about putting you in a certain mood, than it is about judging it objectively. it goes on forever and meanders, but that's the point of the music. or at least, that is how the music is supposed to be if it's going to have the desired affect on listeners.
Not really music where's the melody, percussion, singing? Something. It's kind of relaxing but not much to it.

This is relaxing to me..

OMG im not the only one that knows about com truise. well done.
Did we just become best friends?? Hell ya we did!

LOL its like the scene from stepbrothers.
super gay. but excusable.

dude is that death grips in your av? caught my eye on a different post.