Jurassic Park or the Zombie Apocalypse?

You’d be aiiight


Damn. Another thing the movies were wrong about.

We all know that in a zombie apocalypse the real evil is MAN. I'd survive it the same way I survived prison - find the biggest, meanest looking mofo I could and offer to suck his dick for protection

There's no one who you'd bank on surviving a dino onslaught. No one whose dick you'd suck safe in the knowledge he could keep you alive
No worries bro I'll take care of you and have under my wings <LatsRickStory>
what environment would kill you quicker and how do you think you'd do before you were graphically eviscerated?



all kit is the same

1 Mossberg 500 with twenty 00 buck shells

1 Gerber tool

1 survival knife

two canteens

a compass

and your wits

Given my Tactical background and proficiency with cover, concealment, shooting and moving, and basic eagle scout knowledge of the land I'd fair far better off in the walking dead scenario.

if I found my self in Jurassic park with no way out I'd try to alpha the T rex by either standing my ground when It charges, or forcibly initiating a rectal coupling with the beast.

If neither worked I'd find a cave and raise a baby T rex from birth to be my protector kinda like Turok from the old dark horse comics thoughts?

looking for honesty gentleman

Too bad you didn't include a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range, or else I would have cleaned house.
We all know that in a zombie apocalypse the real evil is MAN. I'd survive it the same way I survived prison - find the biggest, meanest looking mofo I could and offer to suck his dick for protection

How to prepare for a zombie apocalypse: A practical primer on peter puffing by Zer.
Are these lumbering/early George A. Romero zombies or 28 Days Later/Snyder's Dawn of the Dead zombies.

If it's the former, no contest that the answer is Jurassic Park. If it's the latter, it's tougher to say particularly because there are probably a lot more zombies running around than there are dinos on Jurassic Park. Even still, Jurassic Park scenario is worse for you. You can lock doors and keep zombies out (though if they swarm like they always do, the doors aren't going to hold up). But if the dino is big enough, the building you are in isn't going to stop them.
20 shells wouldn't last 5min in the zombie apocalypse.

What kind of zombies are we talking about? In some movies/shows zombies are about as deadly as a retarded 4 year old, in others they have 100iq and move as fast as a cheetah.
Zombie Apocalypse as I'd just hide under a dumpster until they wandered off...
We already survived through dino times.. As smaller and dumber animals. We would be fine. We could make them extinct again pretty quick.

If you mean just me, alone, in Jurassic park.. One shotgun.. Id still take the park. Raptors can't open doors, and i would be fine in that building.
zombie apoc would be pretty easy i would just get a katana band become a transgendered trans racial zombie killer and that would keep me alive until the seasons of zombie apoc got too tedious to keep watching.

JP situation i am turok i would breed the shit out of those dins and have some pokemon esque hybrids just devouring fools.
The responses in this thread thus far....(dramatic pause) fill me with the kind of pride and honor that only comes with bring a nerd of the highest order along with you all

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