Katie Hopkins (British Ann Coulter) Declares Bankruptcy After Libel Suit


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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Oh, deary me, how terrible.


"She is usually described as a right-wing or far-right commentator, but her outpourings on Twitter and in the media seem to be united less by a coherent political ideology than by an ear for an outrageous soundbite, an inability to think too deeply about anything, and a bottomless deficit of empathy. She has mocked people who have been bullied, people with money problems, people with ginger hair, people with dementia (suggesting they were bed-blockers) and people with depression (calling it “fashionable” and the “ultimate passport to self-obsession”). She has also publicly taunted a nine-year-old with autism, despite revealing later that one of her own daughters has been diagnosed as on the spectrum.

But her greatest vitriol is reserved for migrants. In the Sun she wrote that migrants were “a plague of feral humans” and “cockroaches…built to survive a nuclear bomb”, language so obviously drawn from Nazi ideology that the writer Jon Ronson later said, in an interview with her, that it was as if “she was cutting the brakes on her own car”. (In the same interview she mused aloud about whether she might be a psychopath, and could be capable of murdering someone.)"

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I don't know...

But at certain angles and lighting I would smash Ann.
Some of the shit she has said has been dead on, but she can be a real dick as well, and coming from me that says something.
I don't know.
That's a suspiciously big nose for someone claiming to be white.

Maybe she is more of the "American white" category like Jared Kushner or Milo?
I don't know...

But at certain angles and lighting I would smash Ann.

It's so weird, I was thinking the same thing. I don't necessarily feel great about that notion, she's a flaming cunt
I don't know.
That's a suspiciously big nose for someone claiming to be white.

Maybe she is more of the "American white" category like Jared Kushner or Milo?
I did nazi that comment coming.
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

It's so weird, I was thinking the same thing. I don't necessarily feel great about that notion, she's a flaming cunt

Indeed she is,
But at certain moments in time I don't even care.
All you need to know about Kate Hopkins, she is the ultimate troll. Goes on tv and rants about people naming their kids silly names and doesnt like when people name their kids after flowers or geographical locotions. Names her children poppy and india

That poor poor judgemental monster of a woman. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t pure evil.
good.... fuck her.


Karma is a motherfucker Katie you hook nosed slout
Writing a tweet mistaking Laurie Penny's views for a celebrity chef is enough to bankrupt a millionaire? Great legal system, England. Trump is literally Hitler for calling things libelous, yet it's a great thing and we're all supposed to be cheering because it's Katie Hopkins.
Writing a tweet mistaking Laurie Penny's views for a celebrity chef is enough to bankrupt a millionaire? Great legal system, England. Trump is literally Hitler for calling things libelous, yet it's a great thing and we're all supposed to be cheering because it's Katie Hopkins.
There is not a deplorable you wont defend, and I like how you managed to shoe horn a whine about how the world is unfair to Trump in.
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