lovaza (prescription fish oil)...biggest rip off ever

The cost is spread to others through rising premiums. Money doesn't come from nowhere.

It's really hard to see Lovaza as anything other than a racket. Since you're big on the whole appeal to authority thing, check out the heart scan blog; he's a real doctor and not just some guy on the internet so you can't just flippantly dismiss whatever arguments he makes like you do here.

I really like that blog, despite the presence of Fred Hahn and his Slowburn crap.
I understand that. Reread my post. Or, read turbo's post, he says the same thing:

Someone has to pay for them. If the patient has insurance, and the insurance company has to pay for them, what do you think happens to the prices people pay for insurance?

The issue was why a doctor would prescribe fish oil to someone on a fixed income. I gave one possible explanation.