Macron's approval rating is going down the tubes, only 36% after receiving 66% votes months ago

Vote in The New World Order, get fucked by The World Order. Europe never learns. Socialism and Communistic principles sound great in college classrooms and the salons and parlors of the "intellectual elite". Never seems to work out well in the real world though.

Little early, but I feel this is going to be a continuing trend in politics. Plenty of complex problems, idiot voters vote for a guy promising easy solutions, then turn on him when he doesn't magically fix things. Lather, rinse, repeat.

nail on the head.

Vote in The New World Order, get fucked by The World Order. Europe never learns. Socialism and Communistic principles sound great in college classrooms and the salons and parlors of the "intellectual elite". Never seems to work out well in the real world though.

you think macron is a F'ing communist?
Macron can thank Trump for getting his approval ratings up. He capitalized on the "anti-Trump" populist wave by making some grandiose statements about equality (that he was never going to back up, as a neo-liberal globalist con-man whose only true objective is to serve as a lobbyist for corporate causes).

Now he is being exposed for what he is. Apparently, he is too obnoxious to even give comments to the media. Trump might be a bumbling fool but he has never been afraid to make his opinions known. Macron acts like more of an upper class aristocrat.

Macron follows the true and tested tradition to modern liberal politics by pandering to the "progressive" socialist block with identity politics, without actually ever giving them anything, outside of the occasional empty platitude. I do not fault him for that, but it is dishonest. You could say that the same goes for most "neo-cons", which in reality are inter-changeable with neo-liberals outside of a few minor disagreements over policy.

Macron sounds exactly like Justin Trudeau. He is a neo-liberal globalist con-man who won on an anti-Stephen Harper populist wave by making grandiose statements about equality. He panders to progressives with empty platitudes while serving corporate interests. When Trudeau screws up (which is often) he simply attends a gay parade or feminist event and his supporters love him again.
Macron sounds exactly like Justin Trudeau. He is a neo-liberal globalist con-man who won on an anti-Stephen Harper populist wave by making grandiose statements about equality. He panders to progressives with empty platitudes while serving corporate interests. When Trudeau screws up (which is often) he simply attends a gay parade or feminist event and his supporters love him again.

Do you even know what neoliberal means?
Vote in The New World Order, get fucked by The World Order. Europe never learns. Socialism and Communistic principles sound great in college classrooms and the salons and parlors of the "intellectual elite". Never seems to work out well in the real world though.
What are you talking about? Le Pen was more socialist than Macron who is an economic liberal.
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What are you talking about? La Pen was more socialist than Macron who is an economic liberal.

It appears that he won by standing in between unpopular alternatives though few really like his own agenda. Not surprising that his popularity would fall.
you think macron is a F'ing communist?
No, but he was elected by communists and socialists who want the cornucopia of entitlements and open borders to never end. I'm pretty sure everyone knew to a degree what they were getting with Macron when the decided to join forces to keep Le Pen out, but the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily always my friend or at the very least it isn't surprising when they eventually stab you in the back in furtherance of their own policies and agendas.

In this case, they hitched their votes to a lapdog of the EU and now are complaining about suddenly having fleas.
No, but he was elected by communists and socialists who want the cornucopia of entitlements and open borders to never end. I'm pretty sure everyone knew to a degree what they were getting with Macron when the decided to join forces to keep Le Pen out, but the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily always my friend or at the very least it isn't surprising when they eventually stab you in the back in furtherance of their own policies and agendas.

In this case, they hitched their votes to a lapdog of the EU and now are complaining about suddenly having fleas.

"He can accept his mistake Mike, he could take a few step backs and try to control the damage. But it seems he is going all the way in on the retard strategy hoping to break through, lets see if that gamble pays off"
Do you even know what neoliberal means?

Do you?

Will Justin Trudeau be the last neo-liberal standing? Salutin

So it’s unsurprising that Justin Trudeau is looking a lot like the last neo-liberal standing, albeit with his own quirks, like not being a deficit hysteric. Like the Clintons and Blair, he exudes empathy for the excluded — while clinging fiercely to (free) trade deals. I think you can see him trying to resolve the same dilemmas on which Hillary Clinton recently shipwrecked.

I think you can see him trying to be both a neo-liberal and a populist. As a neo-liberal, he is committed to trade deals like the TPP, and the Canada-Europe deal, CETA. But they would almost certainly cost Canadians jobs. It’s what trade deals do. So on the other hand, he’s approving new pipelines because they create some jobs, and symbolically, they’re all about job creation. As a next gen empathic neo-liberal, he’s also created a national carbon cutting plan, alongside the pipelines, which will increase emissions. Contradictions, anyone?
So we are back to trusting polls?