Man's Unborn Twin Is The Biological Father Of His Son

No, the twin was born, as in exited a uterus. Just wasn't alive a separate human. Seems the twin's DNA is an active part of this guy's genetic makeup so in fact, he IS his own twin. We've talked about this in Mayberry before.

For all we know, chimerism is humans could be a non-astronomically rare event.

If he IS his own twin, you know what? He can just screw himself.
This is some Predestination (2014 Film) level shit
Chimerism is so trippy. Really makes you question self and the individuality of the soul.
A non-astronomically rare event? So how rare is that?

That's my way of saying, "Who the fuck knows?" Chromosomal anomalies, for example, can be rare to quite common. There are dozens of Sherdog posters who have no idea that they're walking around with an extra copy of an X chromosome, for example. There are girls born every day with only a singe X chromosome or three X chromosomes who won't find out about their anomaly for decades to come, if at all.

Dude just did the fusion technique in the womb.

Yeah, it's different from just chromosomes, but how rare is that? We don't know. 1 in 1000? 10,000? I mean, we all thought that only Saiyans could do the fusion dance, but next thing you know, you got green Krillins running around.

Maybe this IS the father:


Maybe these guys are exonerating guilty men (probably not):


I think it's an interesting question, just like how we're finding out that genes aren't the only things that we pass onto our offspring, but also environmental factors as well.
so there has to be a joke about west virginia or kentucky somewhere in there
I never met by Dad either.
Science is so fulla shit sometimes
SSgt Dickweed lmaooooooooo
what do you mean by soul

I mean the immortal spirit of a person or thing. I just say that as a person of faith, things like this really make you ask at what point does a person become living enough to have it. Does having two sets of DNA get you two distinct souls? I mean it's just interesting to question the concept and it's relation to anamolies like this.
It makes a mockery of the very concept of a soul.

It might. I've always felt that everything organic had a soul, not quite sure about inorganic things such as in animism, but that ultimately the souls come back together as one super soul. So this doesn't necessarily ruin that idea, just means that the joining process can happen before death possibly.

But none of this can really be proven or anything, so it's mostly irrelevant. The hard science alone in the story is a mind fuck, even without questioning the philosophical implications of it.
Chimerism is so trippy. Really makes you question self and the individuality of the soul.

Not really. Guy has got weird DNA, who cares, still an ordinary person. Weird shit like this has been happening in nature for a long time, we just didn't have the technology to test it.