Mental Models - How to train yourself to think in new ways


Otsego Amigo
Jan 2, 2015
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Great article. It's about how we use various mental models to interpret the world. A mental model is the lens with which we see and dissect what's going on around us - our worldview. The article delves into how it's important to not get stuck in one mental model so that we may avoid limiting ourselves and the way we think about things. The author says that by learning various ways of interpreting the world we expand ourselves and see the connections between various things, which helps us more accurately assess what's going on and make better decisions. I also think this makes us more adaptable and open to new ideas and experiences, too.

An excerpt:

The Pursuit of Liquid Knowledge

In school, we tend to separate knowledge into different silos—biology, economics, history, physics, philosophy. In the real world, information is rarely divided into neatly defined categories. In the words of Charlie Munger, “All the wisdom of the world is not to be found in one little academic department.” 5
World-class thinkers are often silo-free thinkers. They avoid looking at life through the lens of one subject. Instead, they develop “liquid knowledge” that flows easily from one topic to the next.

This is why it is important to not only learn new mental models, but to consider how they connect with one another. Creativity and innovation often arise at the intersection of ideas. By spotting the links between various mental models, you can identify solutions that most people overlook.

Or, put more simply, be open minded, learn new things, even those outside your comfort zone. At least dabble your toes in different disciplines so you have a solid base level of knowledge in them.

I'm sure having control over one's ego helps too.