MMA skill and Francis' UFC experience played a big role yesterday

This!! Modern-day boxers hug it out after throwing a couple
Mma fighters train for clinch work
I saw this happen very early on, fury loves the rope and dope. Jab straight hug method
When he realized he couldn't lean on francis or he'd get tossed. The tides started to change.
I'm finding some more gifs of the fight:




And, just for fun, here's his slam of Gane (which is still awesome):

One sided rivalry that's all in your head. Boxers and boxing fans don't care. But you people are constantly comparing boxing to MMA because you're insecure and you feel like you have to justify your fandom of a sport that I can only imagine you're slightly embarassed by.

Boxing fans are saltier towards MMA than vice versa these days. And why wouldnt they be? boxing is boring as fuck in comparison, weak cards, run much worse, the champs arent the best fighters or even the best strikers, the sport as a whole has lost a ton of ground to MMA over the last 20 years, and a lot of the biggest boxing matches that happen nowadays literally have MMA fighters in them lol.
" You constantly try to shit on other combat sports that are more respected and well-established

Lol its 2023, not the 90s. Most people under 30 cant even remember a time where boxing was bigger than MMA at this point.
Think it just shows boxing and MMA skills can be learnt very quickly.