Movies You Hate

95% of all movies released in the last 10 or so years. I watched the new Ghostbusters finally last night, I redeemed my digital code for Bladerunner 2049 and the app I used I guess gave me 2 free movies and Ghostbusters 2016 was one of them, so I checked it out and it was so fucking ridiculously bad I legit felt sorry for everyone involved, sad shit.

Spot on.
Apocalypse now is a drawn out drug induced version of In the Heart of Darkness that was supposed to be the most realistic depiction of the Vietnam War. I loathe that movie probably more than any other on that list and don't grasp how people could like it.
Jacobs ladder was weird and had no happy ending. I don't like weird. I also need happy endings. No happy ending and I get pissed like I was at the Departed. I wanted to like it because I like Tim Robbins..... but no go.

He went to heaven with his son. I liked the ending
The Hurt Locker is the most unrealistic, atrocious war movie ever made
I hated Birdman. I could barely get through 10 minutes of the movie industry jerking itself off over how unique and silly it is before I had enough. That shit sucked.
well, there's a bunch of them. But in terms of notable movies, pretty much every Marvel or superhero movie but one or two exceptions; I did like Logan, for example.

Also pretty much anything with Kevin James in it.
Talladega Nights
The matrix sequels
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Kingdom