My Friend Ate Donuts He Found On the Road. What would you do?

Cherry Brigand

Red Belt
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
The following is a true story:

My friend was walking down the road when he saw a lady (sorry no pics, but it's not relevant. Stay focused you horny bastard) getting into a van. She got in, belted up, and drove off. As she did, he noticed that a box of donuts fell off the roof of her van and into the road.

He proceeds over to the box of donuts and inspects them. The box appears to be in tact from the low speed fall from the van to the street. No donuts appear to have come in contact with the ground. He inspects them further: while there had been a full dozen, nine or so remained. He thinks, 'They must have eaten some at the store.'

He picks up the box of donuts and takes them home and shares them with his family.

Question: What would you do? Would you:

A. Continue walking like a normal person, missing the chance at street sweets
B. Snatch the food up like some George Costanza trash eating hobo hybrid and take them home to your wife and children
C. Eat them all yourself
D. Save the earth and just throw the box away
Depends, did the lady look like a professional middle-class-or-better woman, or did she look poor?

if she looks poor hell no I'm not touching those donuts.
Your friend is Clippy.
They didn't touch the floor so its all good. Whats the problem again?

I'd grub the fuck outta them donuts and then jump on social media to brag and celebrate the fact that the universe just rewarded me for all my hard work
Nothing wrong with street sweets

A free donut stash would make my day
"Road donuts" is surprisingly not easy to say.

Donut eat those.
Depends on the situation i'm in....
I go to the nearest donut shop and answer the craving. Nothing costing a few bucks is work getting sick over.