Myles Jury says fighters who make 20 G's a fight only pocket $5,500 if they win

People with health problems should be getting real medical advice, not screwing around with someone who may or may not know what they are talking about. There are very little qualifications for calling yourself a nutritionist.

What? There are medical nutritionists out there, doctors with advanced degrees in nutrition entomology and applied nutrition from prestigious medical schools. Who exactly do you think is providing "real medical advice" on dietary matters?

You're focusing on the layman's title. Are all doctors frauds just because Dr. Who and Dr. Suess weren't real doctors?
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Considering they basically have no more sponsors (with a few exceptions), I would consider cutting the manager. Unless it's Neil Magny's manager. That dude must be great.

Yea I've said this a few times before. Only really popular guys like cerrone and fighters like him could use management.
So who is the "medically qualified professional" that you think gives dietary advice to anemia patients? hint: it's a nutritionist.

I'm not sure where you live but a medical nutritionist is covered by medicare here in the US, so it's certainly not a "luxury item."

People seem to have this idea that a nutritionist is a bro-scientist like Dolce when in reality there are plenty of plenty of actual doctors with doctorate degrees who are nutritionists. I trust them more than you or forum advice lol.

I stand corrected. Excuse my ignorance.
And if they lose, they will only make around $1500.

and earns $20,000:

-$2,000 (gym / team)
$4,000 (management)
$6,000 (taxes)
$500 (medicals)
$1,000 (coaching)
$1,000 (Misc.)
Total Expenses: $14,500

$20,000 – $14,500 = $5,500 is the fighters profit.

A fighter loses and earns $10,000:

$1,000 (team)
$2,000 (management)
$3,000 (taxes)
$500 (medicals)
$1,000 (coaching)
$1,000 (misc)
Total Expenses: $8,500

$10,000 – $8,500 = $1,500 would be the fighter profit, putting him in a spot of needing to fight again ASAP.

Good for Jury for speaking the truth but I hope this doesn't cost him his job. You know how Dana gets when you speak the truth.

Same dude who told Nate to shut up and honor his contract? Cool story bro
Yeah, that is $8,500 worth of tax deductions which would bring his taxable income down to $11,500 not $20,000, so there is no way he's paying $6,000 in taxes. It's kind of strange when fighters bring up taxes into the fighter pay discussion. Everyone has to pay taxes they are not exempt. Unfortunately if you want to make more you have to negotiate for more and if you can't get it then you have to look else where.
I don't believe it. If this really is his situation then I think he's getting ripped off by his managers and coaches, and I don't think this is typical. How does he pay rent, food, a car?
well they were winning, climbing the payscale, so thats redundant.
First of all, shouldn't pay your manager 20%. Second of all, completely neglects to mention that sweet chunk of Reebok cash.
He takes home 1500, doesn't consider business related tax deductions, and his manager gets 2000 when he gets 1500. Myles Jury needs to find himself a jew.