National Hispanic Heritage Month

Why does African-American make some sense, but not Asian-American?
In American and Western minds, African = Sub Saharan African aka Black . So African American denotes the descendants of slaves from Africa aka Black people. It is a racial classification.
White also obviously denotes a racial classification.
Native American also obviously denotes a racial classification.

As you can see the US census classification system uses racial classifications for the above 3 but does not use racial classification for Asian-American or Hispanic Americans. Asian-American used to be called Asian/Pacific Islander. An Asian-American could be from India, Cambodia, Korea , Indonesia, Nepal, China, Vietnam etc.. but obviously they are all not the same race. In the US Rohingya and Burmese (Bamar) would both be considered Asian-American and thus belonging to the same group.

Census should be consistent and use only racial classification. That is why I said both Hispanic/Latino and Asian American categories are illogical.
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I'll take that as you know that I'm right and you can't admit it. I believe Hispanics are the only major ethnic group that can trace their existence back to the actions of one individual. Columbus came here and because of him, the Hispanic race and Latino culture was created. And he's vilified by the people who exist because of him.

He also took back syphilis, so technically Columbus killed Hitler. <Gordonhat>
And nowhere do they praise Christopher Columbus, who is essentially the founder of the Hispanic race and certainly the person most directly responsible for it's existence and creation. He's vilified by the direct descendants of the Spanish that came here because of him. It's insane.

He was a good man. War!!!
Polynesians, South Asians and East Asians are in the same classification.

According to US census



Also Asian


True, but is that not the case for Africa? Africans can be white-ish, brown-ish, black-ish, caucasoid, negroid, etc., etc. They can look wildly different just like the many Asian peoples.
In American and Western minds, African = Sub Saharan African aka Black . So African American denotes the descendants of slaves from Africa aka Black people. It is a racial classification.
White also obviously denotes a racial classification.
Native American also obviously denotes a racial classification.

As you can see the US census classification system uses racial classifications for the above 3 but does not use racial classification for Asian-American or Hispanic Americans. Asian-American used to be called Asian/Pacific Islander. An Asian-American could be from India, Cambodia, Korea , Indonesia, Nepal, China, Vietnam etc.. but obviously they are all not the same race. In the US Rohingya and Burmese (Bamar) would both be considered Asian-American and thus belonging to the same group.

Census should be consistent and use only racial classification. That is why I said both Hispanic/Latino and Asian American categories are illogical.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.
Plenty of people just simply call themselves "Americans" and they have not forgotten their history. I'm an American. And I know about my great grandparents and some great great grandparents. What some of them were able to do in their life etc.

Cool. However I see nothing wrong using prefix with American. You can be both.
Well it's about time that we move past all the victim status and "hyphenated-American" naming. It separates us.
Move pass victim status? The Median Black family has a net worth of $1,500 vs The Median white family net worth of $150,000. How do we move pass that as a nation and stop separating wealth?
Move pass victim status? The Median Black family has a net worth of $1,500 vs The Median white family net worth of $150,000. How do we move pass that as a nation and stop separating wealth?
Yeah, and black people in the USA have more net worth than black people in Africa.

There tons of people that make more money than I do and have more money. That's life. I accept that and do the best I can for my family. Everyone has a different skill, opportunity, and some people make more money than others.
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Cool. However I see nothing wrong using prefix with American. You can be both.
I'm glad you agree that I can just call myself an American (without the hyphen) and not forget my history.
Yeah, and black people in the USA have more net worth than black people in Africa.
As they should, they built the wealthiest nation. They should have more than all white people in Africa as well, and most whites in europe.

There tons of people that make more money than I do and have more money. That's life. I accept that and do the best I can for my family. Everyone has a different skill, opportunity, and some people make more money than others.
I don't care about your individual self when we're talking about populations and African Americans were locked out of the U.S economy for the most part despite their bodies and labor is what the U.S economy was built on. That shouldn't be life for African Americans so what do you want to do to fix the injustice that you fellow Americans are facing?
what if you dont have heritage

But but but inbreeding!

Americans, Canadians, Australians, South Africans etc are simply new large groups of people. Just like all the Hispanics that were created by the Spanish.

I wonder if the progressive ideology will infect South American countries and demand Hispanics give their land back to the natives and that they open their borders and diversify themselves into oblivion.
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That shouldn't be life for African Americans so what do you want to do to fix the injustice that you fellow Americans are facing?
There's injustice everywhere. Life is not fair. You deal with it and go on.

If you ask me, currently the biggest thing holding back the urban black community is the urban black community. Not white people.

We've already had affirmative action.
There's injustice everywhere. Life is not fair. You deal with it and go on.

If you ask me, currently the biggest thing holding back the urban black community is the urban black community. Not white people.

We've already had affirmative action.
We aint talking about everywhere we talking about the U.S remember? What should be done to deal with African Americans getting nearly knocked out of an economy that they generated?

See this is the thing, you don't enough to talk.
I have a friend that put it to me like this."I don't celebrate non of those racial bullshit ass month trash pride grabbing celebrations because I am tired of Identity politics and other people not being claimed". All I see is that shit like this separates and builds more sideshows. You are American celebrate that.
But but but inbreeding!

Americans, Canadians, Australians, South Africans etc are simply new large groups of people. Just like all the Hispanics that were created by the Spanish.

I wonder if the progressive ideology will infect South American countries and demand Hispanics give their land back to the natives and that they open their borders and diversify themselves into oblivion.
Diversity! Wah!
It’s hispanic heritage month? I had no idea

Por el resto de el mes voy hablar en español así que preparen sus google translate por que voy a estar como un cubano típico con el acere que bola y todo


Esta gente no esta preparada para eso mi socio. Me imagino que algunos nos reportaran solamente porque no hablemos "americano" hahaha

And nowhere do they praise Christopher Columbus, who is essentially the founder of the Hispanic race and certainly the person most directly responsible for it's existence and creation. He's vilified by the direct descendants of the Spanish that came here because of him. It's insane.

What the fuck are you talking about kid? Christopher Columbus ordered the enslavement, rape, and murder of thousands of people. Yeah, no shit we are hispanic as a product of mestizaje, but he has a right to be vilified for the reason of repressing and persecuting our ancestors and pushing a European and Catholic agenda by the edge of the sword, the crack of the whip, and the destruction of culture. Don't make it seem as if there was no evil involved and we should glorify him. You are being straight up retarded.

So let's get this straight.

- Columbus didn't arrive here and claim what is now Latin America for Spain.
- The Hispanic race are not the descendants of Spanish settlers who came here due to Columbus
- Latinos aren't descended from the Spanish who came here due to Columbus claiming the lands

If Columbus doesn't sail or doesn't sail for Spain, then France or England could have claimed all the lands now inhabited by Hispanics. Their culture and language is Spanish because of Columbus and him fighting for years and years to get funding for his trip and risking his life. And he's called a monster by the people who would literally not exist if he had not come here.

"they were all being genocidal imperialist douchebags, so Hispanics should glorify him because he's OUR genocidal imperialist douchebag." Fuck outta here with this garbage.

That's what you do when you don't add African American, Mexican American , Irish American, Chinese American, etc..

Those prefixes are very important to always know where you're roots originated. Keeps you humble and hopefully reminds you that you are not better then anyone just because you were lucky to be born in America.

While I understand your argument, I disagree with it. Your argument is fine and dandy for anyone not born or with significant family lineage from the Americas, but the United States doesn't hold the monopoly on being "American." Last time I checked anybody born in the Americas is an AMERICAN, whether they are Mexican, Cuban, Canadian, Brazilian, the United States etc. The problem is when people think those from the United States are the ONLY Americans. Latinos call those from the United States "Estadounidenses", because we correctly recognize that we are all Americans.

Esta gente no esta preparada para eso mi socio. Me imagino que algunos nos reportaran solamente porque no hablemos "americano" hahaha

What the fuck are you talking about kid? Christopher Columbus ordered the enslavement, rape, and murder of thousands of people. Yeah, no shit we are hispanic as a product of mestizaje, but he has a right to be vilified for the reason of repressing and persecuting our ancestors and pushing a European and Catholic agenda by the edge of the sword, the crack of the whip, and the destruction of culture. Don't make it seem as if there was no evil involved and we should glorify him. You are being straight up retarded.

"they were all being genocidal imperialist douchebags, so Hispanics should glorify him because he's OUR genocidal imperialist douchebag." Fuck outta here with this garbage.

While I understand your argument, I disagree with it. Your argument is fine and dandy for anyone not born or with significant family lineage from the Americas, but the United States doesn't hold the monopoly on being "American." Last time I checked anybody born in the Americas is an AMERICAN, whether they are Mexican, Cuban, Canadian, Brazilian, the United States etc. The problem is when people think those from the United States are the ONLY Americans. Latinos call those from the United States "Estadounidenses", because we correctly recognize that we are all Americans.

Eh pupi verdad que me dijisteis que eres cubano. Imagínate si ponemos un poco de cola loca o el taiger.....bueno cualquier cubaton para volver loca la gente. Si no llamamos a @Rod1 para que ponga esa música méxicana con los acordeones jaja

Por lo menos nos dieron un mes con 30 días...