OK real conservatives, here is your chance. Denounce Trump for his deficit spending


Feb 2, 2016
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Title says it all.

I want a list of posters that I will accept talking about deficit spending, when Bernie takes office in 2020.

If you aren't willing to denounce Trump over deficit spending, then you need to shut the fuck up when Democrats take office.

For the deficit spending Trump is creating we could have Medicare for all, and debt free college education.

You got slightly better economic growth then Obama did instead. Tired of winning I'm sure.
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For the record, I have heavily criticized Trump and the current batch of GOP for not at all sticking to conservative fiscal principles. And until proven otherwise, that will not be something I use against the Dems over the Rs as they’ve proved both just as bad
It's going to happen.

Bernie is Tiger Woods at this point, he is a equal bet against the entire field.
The guy has the personality of a week old bologna sandwich. He's the one thing that ensures 8 years of Trump.
Bernie is Tiger Woods at this point, he is a equal bet against the entire field.

You’re right. Bernie is Tiger Woods. 2016 election was Tiger in his prime, but he sold out to hillary and rolled with the DNC corruption and lost. Bernie is now current Tiger, where it’s just embarrassing and he’s a big name but no real chance
For the deficit spending Trump is creating we could have Medicare for all, and debt free college education.
So instead of deficit spending we could have more deficit spending.
Got it. You guys are brilliant.
Year long Av/Sig bet?

Only if you are willing to do the same, and pick who you think will win. Bet is void if niether wins.

You have a damn incumbent president, if you have any faith at all, you should jump at that.
Only if you are willing to do the same, and pick who you think will win.

No, that's not how this works. You think Bernie is going to win no matter what. The bet is if Bernie wins or not. Sounds to me like you're not as confident as you proclaim.

If you really think Bernie will take the thrown in 2020, you havn't been paying attention. Go check out his recent tweets. He has pretty much announced to the world that he does not want the job.
The guy has the personality of a week old bologna sandwich. He's the one thing that ensures 8 years of Trump.

Funny, because I remember Bernie being greeted as a rock star wherever he went.

If you really think Bernie will take the thrown in 2020, you havn't been paying attention. Go check out his recent tweets. He has pretty much announced to the world that he does not want the job.

Sanders gets best reception at early 2020 audition


Democratic presidential hopefuls embraced their party's left flank during a presidential cattle call in the nation's capital on Wednesday.

More than a thousand energetic attendees gathered at the We the People Summit to hear from some top potential 2020 contenders: Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.). But it was Sanders who won the most applause from the crowd of progressive and labor activists.

All of the possible 2020 candidates struck a liberal message, touting the need for universal health care as well as protecting and expanding Social Security and Medicare. But the lawmakers also made calculated decisions about what issues to emphasize as they look to build up their support among the party's activist base.

The energy in the room was palpable throughout the entirety of Sanders's speech. He received multiple standing ovations, and "Bernie!" cheers broke out when he walked on and off the stage.

Sanders, 76, spent much of address telling attendees about how his 2016 presidential campaign changed the conversation within the Democratic Party. Sanders, who lost in the primary to Hillary Clinton, secured a number of his initiatives in the Democratic Party's convention platform.

"Many of the ideas that we talked about were thought to be fringe ideas, radical ideas, extremist ideas," he said of his campaign planks like infrastructure reform, tuition-free public colleges and "Medicare for all," which has been embraced by many Democratic House candidates in midterm campaigns this year. "Because of your efforts, those ideas are now mainstream American ideas."

Yet, Sanders didn't embrace every liberal policy tossed his way on Wednesday. Asked what he would do to rein in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Sanders declared the need to protect so-called Dreamers but didn't go as far as calling to defund ICE - an idea which has gained some traction among more liberal candidates.

Funny, because I remember Bernie being greeted as a rock star wherever he went.
Trump will destroy him in the debates without even talking policy, just like he did Hillary. Voters aren't that deep. One liners will do more to get a president elected than talk of policy.
Only if you are willing to do the same, and pick who you think will win. Bet is void if niether wins.

You have a damn incumbent president, if you have any faith at all, you should jump at that.

You DO know that he's Canadian, right? ;)
No, that's not how this works. You think Bernie is going to win no matter what. The bet is if Bernie wins or not. Sounds to me like you're not as confident as you proclaim.

Stupid bet, you are giving me no odds against the field.

I don't make sucker bets, whether I believe in the outcome or not.