Old video with Dana and Joe

Back when Joe was a greaser
Fun fact Napoleon was actually 5'7", which would make him taller than Joe by a few inches.

Actually Napoleon's real height was 5'3 and was described to wear specially made boots that would elevate him about 3 inches. Joe is about 5'5 so he's only taller by 2 inches
Sorry, I prefer chicks.
lol @ Dana and Joe's early-mid 2000s clothes. The over illustrated, tough guy TapOut/Affliction tees, the motor bike esque leather jackets, and the mandatory cross necklace with pointy edges. Glad that during these fads over the course of my life I never fell into the cheesy category like some of these guys did.
Back when UFC had sponsors, before the awful Reebok deal killed them

There's something to be said about the individuality of the gear back then which allowed the fighters to build their own brand more.