Overwatch Official Discussion, v2: ELO Hell (hello darkness my old friend)

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Yeah that looks like what they're going for. I haven't looked at any ptr footage yet to see how she plays.

Also, couldn't you boop bastion when he was in turret mode before?

Yea just checked out some footage now. She's better then I thought. The barrier last a good amount of time. Not nearly as long as Rein's but not as short as Winstons either. Similar to Dva's defense matrix. She doesn't have enough health though. The ability to bring everyone in close together can be very useful if combined with other peoples ults.
Looks pretty strong after checking out some of the streaming gameplay. Can't wait to check it out. We needed another tank.
Gotta wonder why all the edits to Numbani with the doomfist gauntlet missing and all the destruction (Orisa cinematic confirms it was done by Doomfist) if they weren't going to announce Doomfist. I doubt they're going to release another character so soon after Orisa's release?
Would you believe that I played a comp match where neither team picked a Bastion?
New hero?
With the possibility of another sometime soon. Gotta think Doomfist isn't too far off when they added the map changes to Numbani and even gave reaper a voice line saying "Doomfist should do his own dirty work". Even in Orisa's new cinematic Efi makes a brief reference to Doomfist.
With the possibility of another sometime soon. Gotta think Doomfist isn't too far off when they added the map changes to Numbani and even gave reaper a voice line saying "Doomfist should do his own dirty work". Even in Orisa's new cinematic Efi makes a brief reference to Doomfist.
Gotta start farming coins so I can get those legendary skins. Seems like the new hero is a mix of Bastion, Zarya and Reinhardt.
Gotta start farming coins so I can get those legendary skins. Seems like the new hero is a mix of Bastion, Zarya and Reinhardt.
Yeah I'd say that's a good comp. I can't wait to try, I've been looking for a new main but the PTR is going to have a 3,000 person long queue probably all night.
Yeah I'd say that's a good comp. I can't wait to try, I've been looking for a new main but the PTR is going to have a 3,000 person long queue probably all night.
Yeah, I tried to check out some footage on Twitch so I left my pc on in the background and Moon Moon found one game in like an hour.
From what I saw people on the ptr were combining a Reinhard, Orisa, Bastion and just dominating. I don't look forward to that being a thing. An enemy Reinhardts' shield lasted seconds.
From what I saw people on the ptr were combining a Reinhard, Orisa, Bastion and just dominating. I don't look forward to that being a thing. An enemy Reinhardts' shield lasted seconds.

Being able to pull people out of cover as well and have bastion tear them up.
Being able to pull people out of cover as well and have bastion tear them up.
Yeah as she currently is, Orisa, might replace Zarya for some team compositions. The reason to play Zarya is her bubbles and her ult but if the new character can pull people close together without it being an ult and put shields in front of teammates when they need it what's the point of picking Zarya? We'll have to see what she's like when she comes live.
So crowd control abilities are useless against Orisa if she is using her fortify ability. Mei can't freeze her(spray or ult), Reinhardt can't charge her, Gravitron does nothing, Junkrat traps do nothing, Ana can't sleep her, Mcree can't stun her, etc. Damn, that's going to be a useful ability.
So crowd control abilities are useless against Orisa if she is using her fortify ability. Mei can't freeze her(spray or ult), Reinhardt can't charge her, Gravitron does nothing, Junkrat traps do nothing, Ana can't sleep her, Mcree can't stun her, etc. Damn, that's going to be a useful ability.

Bastion is so damn good now, I used to be terrified of Genji when playing Bastion but nowadays it's more like....
Orisa isn't as hard a counter to Bastion as some were hoping she might be. I got a chance to play her on PTR last night and still got merked by plenty of bastions. Haha. She was fun to play though! Her primary fire is sort of weak but her shielding ability and fortify are strong. The gravaton thing isn't very good though.
Need a new thread version, guys.
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