"Overweight" athletics (why America is obsessed with the waistline even in combat sports)

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It pisses me off seeing him take credit for his athletes success. I've never been around a coach worth his salt that does that.
Especially at that level. He keeps calling himself a "record breaking coach" but the only records broken, were that individual school's records. In all my years in athletics and coaching, I've never met a coach who would define breaking a school record as a "record breaking coach". These kids weren't winning state, or going on to successful college wrestling careers. But he's sure because he broke this podunk school's record, the school where the wrestling program was so piss poor they were about to scrap it, that breaking that shitty school's record means something.
The thing that pisses me off the most though is his constant bashing of folkstyle wrestlers. Dude, you claim you were coaching folkstyle. Your kids who poured their sweat out on the mat were folkstyle wrestlers competing in folkstyle. When you shit on folkstyle, you're shitting on those kids. No decent coach does that. If he had actually been the coach, he would have more respect for those kids.
Never achieved anything of note as an athlete so now he clings to any minor accomplishment of his HS athletes...It's incredibly sad..
U want to talk about folkstyle?

Folkstyle killed wrestling bro
LMAO, you continue to show you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Folkstyle is alive and well. It is the fastest growing high school girls sport in the United States.

I took you to college BRO

You failed tho


We already put your professional claims to rest. You whimpered off trying to pretend you weren't exposed.

Your stand up got ridiculed by multiple established fighters.

I think we all now know your penchant for big fat guys.

You failed to provide any proof for your record claims.

You grossly exaggerated your success as a coach.

Did I miss anything?
It pisses me off seeing him take credit for his athletes success. I've never been around a coach worth his salt that does that.

Especially at that level. He keeps calling himself a "record breaking coach" but the only records broken, were that individual school's records. In all my years in athletics and coaching, I've never met a coach who would define breaking a school record as a "record breaking coach". These kids weren't winning state, or going on to successful college wrestling careers. But he's sure because he broke this podunk school's record, the school where the wrestling program was so piss poor they were about to scrap it, that breaking that shitty school's record means something.

Never achieved anything of note as an athlete so now he clings to any minor accomplishment of his HS athletes...It's incredibly sad..

The tragicomedy of this thread is that back in 2002, TS coached his HS wrestling team from tied for 62nd (last place) to tied for 47th in Kentucky state and now in 2020 is simultaneously:

1) taking credit for his athletes' accomplishment
2) bashing the sport he coached, that his athletes competed in
3) bragging in an online karate forum about getting the better of his teenage athletes in practice

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The tragicomedy of this thread is that back in 2002, TS coached his HS wrestling team from tied for 72nd (last place) to tied for 47th in Kentucky state and now in 2020 is simultaneously:

1) taking credit for his athletes' accomplishment
2) bashing the sport he coached, that his athletes competed in
3) bragging in an online karate forum about getting the better of his teenage athletes in practice


You also forgot that as 'a founding father of MMA in 1993' as a 17 year old, he was the fastest dude to get his shirt off during parking lot brawls in the YMCA rec center...

-Guerilla- is the Randy Marsh of this forum..

We already put your professional claims to rest. You whimpered off trying to pretend you weren't exposed.

Your stand up got ridiculed by multiple established fighters.

I think we all now know your penchant for big fat guys.

You failed to provide any proof for your record claims.

You grossly exaggerated your success as a coach.

Did I miss anything?

The tragicomedy of this thread is that back in 2002, TS coached his HS wrestling team from tied for 72nd (last place) to tied for 47th in Kentucky state and now in 2020 is simultaneously:

1) taking credit for his athletes' accomplishment
2) bashing the sport he coached, that his athletes competed in
3) bragging in an online karate forum about getting the better of his teenage athletes in practice


All i did was create one of the 1st MMA gyms in American history while simultaneously breaking 30 years of records in the sport of wrestling

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Fuck, my wrestling coach failed me. All of those minutes wasted doing stance and motion when I could've been looking at shirtless dudes.

So you didn't go to a Catholic school then?;)
To be fair Paul blart was actually a solid wrestler before he got injured. Was good friends with mick foley
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My goodness...

what courage and strength the sentinels of legiticimy maintain in their ever-watchful supervision of shedog "legitimacy"

emboldened by internet anonymity even the frail, timid young man may become a Raging Bull of power, strength and finally let out all that pent-up Anger that so vexed and emasculated the timid little fellow all these years as larger more powerful men seemed everpresent and overpowering in sports, relationships and especially love

even though you may never have the courage to step into the competition ring fear not little lads it will always be warm and safe as long as no one can see your face

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Man, you come straight out of a comic book!;)

This thread is a case study in internet cojones
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