Paragon of virtue NyTimes editor exposed undercover-video

I watched this PV video in it's entirety, some information was worth knowing. Some information was presented without adequate context.

In the past, PV has presented recording of people's statements that were edited in a way that did not properly present the question being responded to. That always matters to me in videos. I want to know what was asked, not just what the answers were because knowing the flow of an exchange always me to put the responses into proper context.

It's actually strange to me. Right now, you're responding to me in the Brookings thread by saying that you won't even read the paper because it's a left leaning source but you're over here saying that we should accept an edited right-leaning video without question.

It's doubly strange to me. In this video, PV is exposing the actions of a man who uses video to manipulate by giving us an edited video that's intended to manipulate and you have little interest in making sure that they're not doing what they're accusing Dudich of doing. Healthy skepticism would say that if you believe that this NYT editor is engaged in these behaviors, that it's very possible that PV is as well. You should want reassurances.

I laughed especially hard at "those of us in the center".
The fact that you have to go all the way back to 1932 is telling. I'll ask again. What news source do you follow that you believe to be more credible?
The Wall Street Journal. It's the best american newspaper in my opinion.
this video reminds me of ISIS propaganda videos. The way they use all those graphical effects to make everything look high tech and official


This obsession with attacking journailsts is pathetic and demonstrates the mental illness that trump has. Sad so many people believe in him.

You ask yourself, how do things like Jonestown or WACO occur. How are people so convinced by an obvious madman. You then think that the supporters are also insane. But then you realize they aren't insane. They are just desperate for change. Desperate for happiness. It is sad. I feel sorry for Trump supporters. They just want to make america great again :oops:

New Book Destroys Credibility of NYT's Duke Lacrosse 'Rape' Coverage
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By Clay Waters | September 19, 2007 3:11 PM EDT

On Sunday, law professor Jeffrey Rosen reviewed for the New York Times the new book "Until Proven Innocent -- Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case," by Stuart Taylor & KC Johnson, which, among bringing other injustices surrounding the case to light, also excoriates the mainstream press's shoddy coverage, much of which presumed the guilt of the three white lacrosse players.

Rosen called the book "riveting," but devoted just two sentences to the frequent passages that rip apart the Times's shoddy coverage of the case, taking particular aim at reporter Duff Wilson and columnist Selena Roberts.

Rosen wrote:
The bastion of integrity.

Witness for the Prosecution?
The New York Times is still victimizing innocent Dukies.
By Stuart Taylor Jr.

Imagine you are the world's most powerful newspaper and you have invested your credibility in yet another story line that is falling apart, crumbling as inexorably as Jayson Blair's fabrications and the flawed reporting on Saddam Hussein's supposed WMD. What to do?

If you're the New York Times and the story is the alleged gang rape of a black woman by three white Duke lacrosse players—a claim shown by mounting evidence to be almost certainly fraudulent—you tone down your rhetoric while doing your utmost to prop up a case that's been almost wholly driven by prosecutorial and police misconduct.

And by bad journalism. Worse, perhaps, than the other recent Times embarrassments. The Times still seems bent on advancing its race-sex-class ideological agenda, even at the cost of ruining the lives of three young men who ithas reason to know are very probably innocent. This at a time when many other true believers in the rape charge, such as feminist law professor Susan Estrich, have at last seen through the prosecution's fog of lies and distortions.
Stuart Taylor Jr.

. The Times still seems bent on advancing its race-sex-class ideological agenda, even at the cost of ruining the lives of three young men who ithas reason to know are very probably innocent. This at a time when many other true believers in the rape charge, such as feminist law professor Susan Estrich, have at last seen through the prosecution's fog of lies and distortions.
Veritas, didnt they make a bunch of fake videos?

We all knew it, but it's nice to be confirmed.

Also, apparently Comey is the Godfather of former Antifa member and NYT's Nicholas Dudich...or maybe he's lying...

it must break your heart that stormfront went down.
Hey look! James O' Keefe is back! Time to see him embarrass himself again.
Veritas, didnt they make a bunch of fake videos?

What, you're not prepared to debate this piece of edited, shameless propaganda designed to appeal to rubes?

Veritas, didnt they make a bunch of fake videos?

They have cost American taxpayers literally billions of dollars, and cause many great suffering, with their exploitative and malicious lies that profit off of partisan dweebs. Anyone who cites to them is either unconscionable or ignorant.
Hey look! James O' Keefe is back! Time to see him advance a false narrative, make a bunch of money above and under the table, ruin countless peoples' lives, cost the taxpayers a fortune, and skirt liability again.


Of course you hard left folks dismiss this because it's okeefe,

Who singlehandedly took down acorn...

But the normal folks in the middle see this, and get it. My wife is a liberal, and she watched it like WTF.

The truth is, we will never win over the far left, and we don't need to. It's a battle for the soft middle. As long as the left runs around calling everyone Hitler, does things like kneel during the anthem, burn American flags, praise the weirdos in Hollywood, etc, it's going to continue to alienate the normal people in the middle.
Veritas, didnt they make a bunch of fake videos?

it must break your heart that stormfront went down.

Hey look! James O' Keefe is back! Time to see him embarrass himself again.

What, you're not prepared to debate this piece of edited, shameless propaganda designed to appeal to rubes?


Yay!! more spliced up narratives!!!!

They have cost American taxpayers literally billions of dollars, and cause many great suffering, with their exploitative and malicious lies that profit off of partisan dweebs. Anyone who cites to them is either unconscionable or ignorant.
NY Times response:

"Some readers asked us on Tuesday about a video released by Project Veritas, a group led by the right-wing activist James O’Keefe that has mounted what it describes as undercover exposés. The video claims to show a junior Times editor, Nick Dudich, discussing his political beliefs and mocking the idea of acting as an objective journalist.

In the video, it appears that Mr. Dudich, an audience strategy editor who joined The Times this spring, does not know that he is being recorded.

A Times spokeswoman, Danielle Rhoades Ha, released a statement in response to the video:

Based on what we’ve seen in the Project Veritas video, it appears that a recent hire in a junior position violated our ethical standards and misrepresented his role. In his role at The Times, he was responsible for posting already published video on other platforms and was never involved in the creation or editing of Times videos. We are reviewing the situation now.

We will update our readers on the situation when possible."

Let's not act like all sides, and even tons of huge media outlets don't edit videos to fit their narrative. Be nice to see some of you be as dismissive to this guy if he had a CNN hat on.