Parents Lose Custody Of Child For Refusing To Support Transgenderism

Not a troll at all. Why would I support a parent who is prejudice towards their own child? Can you also describe why you are against trans people anyway? How exactly does it affect you?
I'm generally against made up bullshit and fairy tales. I generally like to stay down here on planet earth. Does that sum it up?

good luck paying for that w/ your own income, newly 'emancipated minor' hahahahahahahahah

never bite the hand that feeds you

Her grandparents are "supportive", i.e. supportive of her self-destruction, and hold custody. So in the end being a little shit won't cost her anything. But I guess 17 is old enough to destroy your life.
The future of America is psychologists working at Facebook sending a team of lawyers to your house to confiscate your kids and cut their dicks off.

Russians got to this guy
Custody? The fucking kid is 17. If that thing doesn't like it. It's old enough to live on it's own. I'm not trying to be cruel here and I don't care if somebody wants to transition, but in what world does a 17 year old get adopted?
It's mostly formalizing an arrangement that has existed for a couple years already. TM (initials) lives with the grandparents.

Local news was that TM was admitted to the Cincinnati hospital for psychiatric issues. Grandparents were given temporary custody because of statements made at the hospital. The crux was that the teen was afraid of the father to the point of unsafety and, before the hospital stay, the parents had tried to treat psychiatric issues (depression and anxiety- transgender diagnosis came later) by locking the kid in a room and reading the Bible for six+ hours at a time.

Custody battle has stretched this long and a part of it has been the parents opposition to transgender treatment, but it's not the only issue.
How many people read the article? Be honest now.

I did. Courts took away custody, gave custody to the grandparents to get around the parental consent of the hormonal treatment, and gave parents visitation rights but they can no longer decide what is best for their underage child. Kid said to a therapist that they wanted to kill themselves because their parents wouldn't let them take hormonal drugs and got their way.

I did a lot of stupid shit as a teenager. Thankfully trying to take pills to grow boobs wasn't one of them. If I had wanted to, I would hope my more responsible than I parents would have stopped me
If only the LAMEstream media was covering these stories. Thank goodness we have the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro to conduct this important, transparent, and uber-accurate fact finding.
I'm generally against made up bullshit and fairy tales. I generally like to stay down here on planet earth. Does that sum it up?

So you are an atheist? Cool, finally something we can agree on

Love it or leave it!
Not a troll at all. Why would I support a parent who is prejudice towards their own child? Can you also describe why you are against trans people anyway? How exactly does it affect you?

It also pleases me that a guy with a piece of shit pickup truck in their photo thinks I'm a troll. I'm guessing you did not attend college and are extremely uneducated.
Guess again. Not only did I attend, but I graduated. Therefore, I'm infinitely smarter than you. What do you drive, a Prius? You going green on us Zeb?
That's one hella slippery slope.

Easy fix - hormone therapy and transitioning is off the table until the kid is 18 and out of puberty.
Hormone treatments and surgery a lot of times does not fix the mental issues this people have.
OK sure. What about 16? 13? The term slippery slope definitely applies here.

16 and below sure, but 17 is job age and is old enough to get a night job, finish school, find housing and use social safety net programs to get by. This can even be done at 16. I'm not saying it's easy or necessarily healthy, but at that age they're old enough to take care of themselves.
I did. Courts took away custody, gave custody to the grandparents to get around the parental consent of the hormonal treatment, and gave parents visitation rights but they can no longer decide what is best for their underage child. Kid said to a therapist that they wanted to kill themselves because their parents wouldn't let them take hormonal drugs and got their way.

I did a lot of stupid shit as a teenager. Thankfully trying to take pills to grow boobs wasn't one of them. If I had wanted to, I would hope my more responsible than I parents would have stopped me
The court also ordered that in order to receive the hormone treatment, the 17 year old(17 mind you) would have to be evaluated at another facility. Plus, in less than a year the teenager will be 18 anyway and this decision making will be entirely in their hands. This is a way for the grandparents to pay for their grandchild's treatment.

I think the idea that it's life or death to be suspect, but mental health and suicidal thoughts are complex, sensitive issues. Also, this is simply to receive hormone treatment, which can be reversed. This isn't about gender reassignment surgery.

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