Perks of diversity continue in Canada as 75 Year old woman viciously attacked

A maximum penalty of 14 years. But this piece of human garbage will almost certainly be back on the streets in less than 3. We are ridiculously soft on violent crime here in Canada and it makes me sick.

Won't you guys give him a few million, you know, like that terrorist?
Yep I could easily see him just being sentenced to time served. Christ, I can remember some really dangerous fucks being sentenced to time served for very serious crimes back when they were giving 3 for 1 for guys who did their pretrial custody in the Don.
The sentencing in this country is ridiculous. I mentioned in another thread, 15 or 16 years ago I had a guy try and take out my throat with a box cutter, missed and hit my collar. His seventh conviction of aggrevated assault with a weapon. He only did 7 months. God damned revolving door
Do you have any links for the union information because I'm pro union (Cfmeu is mine) and the one thing I hate is ours are all very pro refugee.

You make a good point in regards to the ones that are here but the ship has not sailed as you stated towards future intake.
As for the imams bit, no way in hell I'd continue to allow them to self regulate..... Look at our Victorian Muslim society demanding "more" funding yet refusing to take part in an Australian government deradicalisation program.

No different to a morbidly obese person stuffing themselves with shit their whole life, they can drastically reduce their intake. Ensure the food is quality, clean, healthy and only take in appropriately sized portions that doesn't put undue strain on the bodies health.

Not one of these countries are close to being destroyed yet and before that happens you'll see a backlash like you've never seen before when the people get fed up. France has a bad name since ww2 yet go back further in history you'll see they're not shy in chopping a few heads off when they've had enough.

While it's only a small portion of the population that responds better to negative reinforcement than positive I'm starting to think our governments need to stop catering to every feel-good whim and show them the stick.

A universal law is action/re action and a universal behavioural training law is if you positively reinforce a behaviour you'll get more of it. We rewarding bad behaviors and than wondering why these behaviors are increasing.

I am also a fan of labor unions-- no unions means sweat shops as sure as shit.

I do not have the link but here is the excerpt from another thread on this topic AND at the top is the name of the institution that published the study.

On what you said about the ship not sailing I agree and disagree. My first reaction to the problems Islam presents to the world was total seclusion from them. I just fuck them lets not let ANY of them into the country so that the radicals will also not get in. What I could not contented with though and what made me change my position is that I feel a duty to help those in need.

Women and children refugees are raped kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. I feel that my FEAR of terrorism is trumped by the NEED of the vulnerable, and that is why I changed my position.

But I have no problem at all with demanding cultural integration including requiring that they learn the language and adopt an Islamic perspective that is compatible with whatever the host countries values are.

I also have no problem with swift and severe punishment for those who do not comply and a conditional allowance of hem in our country that allows for increases surveillance of them until they are full citizen and that citizenship based on meeting set requirements. Fuck them if they dont want to be a part of the country in which they live.

Here is the excerpt.

The emergence of a French Islam: proposals from the Institut Montaigne

To allow funding of the religion (for the building of places of worship, the salary of imams and theological training) through the Muslim Association for Islam in France, which would utilise the royalties collected on the sale of halal production

In order for French Islam to embrace a theology which is compatible with French society, and so that it may break away from the discourse spread by the puritanical ideologies of certain States, it is necessary to create institutions - administered by a new generation of Muslims - capable of producing and disseminating French ideals and values.

To elect a Grand Imam of France in order to conduct the intellectual and theological work required for preparing the ground for French Islam.

To extend the 1905 concordat in the Alsace-Moselle region to Islam in order to ensure that Muslim religious leaders are trained in France.
Islam is not included in the concordat of the Alsace-Moselle region but is considered an “unrecognised” religion. As a result, the funding of Islam - and more broadly of any new religion - is not permitted under the agreement which only benefits the four recognised religions (Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist and Jewish).

Create a French Institute of chaplains to provide cultural training and recruit individuals to these positions
Since chaplains are employed by the public service, serving a “function” which by its very essence covers the religious and spiritual domain

To legally equip local authorities to support an Islam which is well-integrated into local communities
(longterm leases, denominational burial grounds, loan guarantees, etc.). Although forbidden by Law, Muslim burial ground is supported by public authorities, which creates legal uncertainty.

To teach classical Arabic in State schools in order to lessen the draw towards Arabic classes in Koranic schools and mosques.

To develop knowledge on Islam:

  • By creating statistics on religion to foster a better understanding and assessment of the situation. Today, the French resistance to religious censuses and the estimates of religious affiliation, do not allow us to closely track the evolution of religious communities within the population.
  • By producing a school textbook in History, common to Italy, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, to put into historical perspective the mutual contributions and the religious and cultural areas of convergence between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
To create a Secretariat of Religious and Secular Affairs, reporting to the Prime Minister, and encompassing the Central Bureau of Religious Affairs.

This new office will not resolve the multiple questions raised by the current state of relations between the State and different faiths, but it will help to gain a better understanding, and will have the advantage of offering something other than the current security-based response.
Only if his "rights are violated"
You mean if he is held without trial for thirteen years and tortured....and of course his crime was committed when he was .... like that ?
Spot on. For some reason angry gets a bad rap yet like any emotion it's there for a reason and is useful in the right circumstances. Now days if you're angry people frown down at you like you're destroying the world's serenity, yet that's exactly what they're doing in their self righteous, fuzzy bubble of bullshit.

Mon. The excerpt doesn't mention labor unions. You will have to track down the.full report. I.apologize.
On what you said about the ship not sailing I agree and disagree. My first reaction to the problems Islam presents to the world was total seclusion from them. I just fuck them lets not let ANY of them into the country so that the radicals will also not get in. What I could not contented with though and what made me change my position is that I feel a duty to help those in need.

Nice portrayal of your opinion but I disagree to an extent. I've never read a holy book but I imagine the koran has similar statements to god helps those that help themselves? Besides that helping women and children is different from helping a pos like this one. He's too scared to fight for what's right(to him) yet has the courage to do what he did to this poor little old lady. That lady had needs to but some self righteous person disregarded them in favour of his.

I could count with 2 fingers the total number of Imans I've heard of that are what you say the religion needs to conform to our value system, that's it 2 and both were given police protection for their own safety from islam. Good luck integrating such a widely held, radical viewpoint into any other culture. This potentially isn't just a western problem but what makes it a predominately western problem is we're killing ourselves with kindness to others. Take a look at Russia and China and you'll see a stark difference in what's going on compared to the rest of Europe, why? They don't fuck around. Before you say neither has a history of military involvement this is untrue esp. in regards to Russia and Chinas burning books again.

The punishment should befit the crime and if you too anti social to socialise you shouldn't be in our society.

Women and children refugees are raped kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. I feel that my FEAR of terrorism is trumped by the NEED of the vulnerable, and that is why I changed my position.

And all of these young fighting fit men barging into the west, they obviously feel the same protective spirit as you.....exactly. Once the emphasis is on the religion/culture to make damn sure they police their own maybe allowing them to self manage might work. They don't and those women and children also hold blame as the women raise their children and help sculpt who they will become and the children grow up and make choices. I am seeing extremely little gratitude from any of these people and a lot of "me, our, us". Fuck them, they can grow up and be grateful or piss off
FFS beating a 75 year old women to the brink of death is only aggravated assault not attempted murder? I don't even want to joke about this, way too sickening. A Grandma picking up litter on a walk and this is the type of stuff that goes down. Stop importing POS like this.