Poll Albert Einstein vs Nikolas Tesla Who is the more smartest man ever?

It really depends on how one views intelligence. They were pretty equal in regards to their ability to conceptualize extremely complex Concepts; however, Tesla was said to have a photographic memory, while Einstein was just a really smart guy. Tesla was also extremely socially awkward, wherea Einstein was somewhat normal in regards to social intelligence.

IMO, Tesla was undoubtably a greater scientist, but Einstein was probably a smarter all around human being.
hmm so Einstein, while working a full time job as a patent clerk, almost singlehandedly proves atoms are real, atomic energy is possible, quantum mechanics is real, the speed of light is constant, and that Newton and Maxwell were fundamentally wrong, and you think Tesla was undoubtedly a greater scientist? Based on what?
If they so smart why they dead?
I would go with Newton or da Vinci. These men were literally human computers with astonishing creativity, which is why they have no equals in many respects.
the creativity is what sets them apart in my mind as well. There have been many people with massive IQs who aren't remembered because they lacked either the creativity or the drive to do something spectacular.
Obviously Einstein had a far greater impact.

Von Neumann is a great choice for the smartest man of the 20th century.
Einstein literally changed the way we understand the universe at 23 sitting around bored at work.
I prefer Alfred Einstein, Albert's smarter brother.
hmm so Einstein, while working a full time job as a patent clerk, almost singlehandedly proves atoms are real, atomic energy is possible, quantum mechanics is real, the speed of light is constant, and that Newton and Maxwell were fundamentally wrong, and you think Tesla was undoubtedly a greater scientist? Based on what?
Look at his accomplishments. It dwarfs what Einstein did. To say otherwise is dishonest if you've actually studied his work. Ask yourself this, if all of their discoveries disappeared today, how would it effect your daily life. There's no comparison IMO.
Look at his accomplishments. It dwarfs what Einstein did. To say otherwise is dishonest if you've actually studied his work. Ask yourself this, if all of their discoveries disappeared today, how would it effect your daily life. There's no comparison IMO.

Accomplishments aren't everything. It is extremely difficult to change the entire world view of a collective as Einstein did.

If you're basing everything on accomplishments, then Edison would rank higher than Tesla.
plenty of pure mathmaticians and chess players with higher IQ than either Einstein or Tesla. Gary Kasparov for instance has a 194 IQ which dwarfs Einstein's.
It's estimated that Leonardo da Vinci had the highest IQ in human history- along with Goethe, Newton and Liebnitz.

If Kasparov is so smart why did he dedicate his life's work to a board game instead of advancing the human race?

plenty of pure mathmaticians and chess players with higher IQ than either Einstein or Tesla. Gary Kasparov for instance has a 194 IQ which dwarfs Einstein's.
It's estimated that Leonardo da Vinci had the highest IQ in human history- along with Goethe, Newton and Liebnitz.

We don't know the IQ of Einstein or Tesla. People often claim somewhere in the 160's for Einstein, but there is nothing to back that claim up as he never took an IQ test. Even if he had taken an IQ test, there are limitations to the tests.

For example, Richard Feynman famously only scored a 125 on an IQ test. The particular test had a low ceiling and was likely focused on verbal intelligence, whereas Feynman's real abilities were in the realm of mathematics. While his verbal intelligence was only above average, his mathematical abilities were off the charts. He got the highest score in the Putnam competition by a large margin and got the highest scores ever on the graduate entrance exams for math and physics at Princeton. Two feats that someone with an IQ of 125 should be incapable of.

Also, Gary Kasparov never took an official IQ test either. The closest thing he did to an IQ test was a series of tests for Der Spiegel in 1987. The psychologists who administered the tests put him at an IQ of 135 with an exceptional memory. His sub-scores apparently varied quite a bit, being below average in some areas and astonishingly high in others.
The most intelligent human is probably an unknown or a recluse like Sidis (who probably wouldve been as known as Einstein if he didn't hate limelight so much). So, as far as most accomplished intelligent human, no idea where to begin ranking that.
Tai Lopez has to be up there followed by Jordan Peterson.
Look at his accomplishments. It dwarfs what Einstein did. To say otherwise is dishonest if you've actually studied his work. Ask yourself this, if all of their discoveries disappeared today, how would it effect your daily life. There's no comparison IMO.
Ok we have a very good AC turbine/motor and big contributions to radio vs nuclear power, radar, modern semiconductors, pretty much all of Chemistry, LED’s, not to mention fundamental changes in understanding about what constitutes reality.
You want me to make a poll for this? But it will have to be in a new thread.

Would be good if you made a poll, thanks. Can you add Leonardo and someone else you feel belongs in the discussion, thanks.