Polygamy correlates to turmoil


Brown Belt
May 21, 2007
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This makes a lot of sense to me and seems to be under estimated as a cause for problems.

In places where polygomy is common, rich dudes can get 4 wives and that leaves an imbalance for less wealthy guys. The less well off guys will be sexually frustrated and socially marginalized because they are not seen as real men without a wife. So they will do some extreme stuff to be able to get a wife.


From the article:

Fair enough: corruption, weak institutions and tribalism all make violence more likely. But marital customs matter, too. Wherever polygamy is widely practised (in South Sudan, perhaps 40% of marriages involve multiple wives) turmoil tends to follow. The 20 most fragile states in the world are all somewhat or very polygamous.

It has been known since the ancient times.
I don't care. Polygamy is my God given right.
I wonder if sex robots become like Westworld and affordable if there will be less problems with polygamy and turmoil. Is it the sexual frustration or the status that leads guys to do extreme things.
There’s a article called the dark side of Dubai that covers the left out crowd, they resort to other things

Not the main point of the article but it’s an outstanding read
Is this why goats become popular in some areas as well?
I can't deal with with one woman in the menses, can't imagine what a gaggle of it is like fucking shoot me
if 2 gay guys can love eachother, why not 3? couples are a hetero-normative concept.
Polygamy may or may not correlate to turmoil. But the anecdotes the blog article and the colleges use are not very relevant to how polygamy would affect western countries like America. The article says that the reason for turmoil in countries like South Sudan is because it is customary for the husband to pay a "brideprice" (dowry) to the woman's father. A shortage of eligible women creates a rise in the brideprice, and many men in these countries cannot afford to pay such high dowries. Thus, they resort to joining terrorist organizations. But the last time I checked, dowries are not customary in western societies.

It is my opinion that Justice Kennedy's majority opinion in Obergefell opened the door for non-traditional familial unions. If marriage continues to be held in such high esteem by the Court, and American society in general, I do not believe that there is a good logical, legal argument for denying that right to "alternative" unions. Whether this leads to "turmoil" or not remains to be seen. But looking to South Sudan does not give us much practical insight.
What right does the govermenf or anyone have to tell comsenting adults who they can love or what they can do in their bedroom.

It's no possible to be polygamous unless your wives are akin to slaves.
Nice! PM if you want tips to be able to do what i do IRL!

Tip 1 - Pay ugly people to have sex on camera

Tip 2 - Go on sherdog and pm people with the video

Tip 3 - Claim it's you, because you're so totally alpha

Tip 4 - Drink another man's piss out of a pickle jar
It wouldn't be a problem if polyandry occurred simultaneously.

For every dude with 3 wives, there would be a fat, breadwinning woman supporting 3 dudes and their video game habits in exchange for sex.