Popular quotes that are bullsh--

"Making America Great Again"
"when they go low, we go high"

Only fake ass fucking losers who try and deceive people say this kind of shit.
Only God can judge me..

Obviously a lie, and also, only said by the worst people you will ever meet, who wish to justify themselves being the worst people you will ever meet.
women just want equality.
provided equal means they get everything their own way and never, ever ,have to be held accountable for anything they do, then thats equal.

A woman tried it once and wrote a book about it. She spoke about how much tougher it was being a man than she originally thought. She also checked into a psych clinic after living as a man for a year.
"Just Saying . . . "

Is like the "I'll say something controversial" but please don't kick my ass.
This one drives me crazy.

Every part of the brain is used for something.

I dont think it means that 90% of our brain is dead waste. I think it refers to the fact that most of the functions of our brain are essentially automated. Only a small amount it is actively controlled by us.
Pseudo intelectual quotes should be banned it causes depression if you raise your kids thru those quotes.
Posting on sherdog only requires 10% of our brain - so what do we do with the other 90%?




Arnie's right
Only God can judge me..

Obviously a lie, and also, only said by the worst people you will ever meet, who wish to justify themselves being the worst people you will ever meet.
Amazing how often that gets said by someone shortly before they get sent to jail...
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. F that noise. Words can be weapons and sometimes they hurt real bad and leave lasting scars.
"Behind every great man is a great woman."
No. Most great men have very poor relationships with women. Lincoln's wife was batshit crazy for example.

"Spare the rod spoil the child."
No, hitting kids turns them into assholes
To digress a little bit, notice everyone thinks their loved one is in heaven and no one ever thinks they're in the other place.

There could be a rapper singing about blasting people, f*cking whores, slanging dope, and the moment he dies his homies are like, "we know you watching down on us dawg!"

That's just the way people are , man. Ever notice how everyone always thinks always OTHER people that are stupid .....or assholes or whatever ? Doesn't even enter into the realm of possibility that you're the idiot or the asshole . That's one the of the biggest problems I have with the all the misanthropic emo horseshit people tend to spew , its almost always done with an air of obliviousness.

Honest appraisal of ourselves and people we care about really is one of the rarest things around.
The OP has two of my favorites:
Violence is never the answer/never solves anything. Well, it sure solves that fucking Hitler problem we had all those years back.

Everything happens for a reason. No, everything happens because of a causal factor. And lots of shit that happens and seems like it was destined to happen was just dumb fucking luck.

It didn't seem to solve it because the same things are happening again.