rockstar gets pissed and calls out man for grabbing the boob of a girl who was crowdsurfing

Well this thread was an interesting litmus test.
One time I clobbered a dude that was crowd surfing above me.
I don't want your body weight on top of me.

Seriously, if you hate when people body surf you should straight up clock them.
Nobody in this thread brought up race, but you.

Seek help.

No, you just do it in every other thread.
I bet if this happened in Sweden you'd be singing a different tune
No, you just do it in every other thread.
I bet if this happened in Sweden you'd be singing a different tune

This thread is about a girl having her boob touched, while crowd surfing at a concert, and you can't see it for what it is, because you're so hard wired to think everything is some Left/Right racial issue.

Seriously, seek help. You done gone full Libtard.
This thread is about a girl having her boob touched, while crowd surfing at a concert, and you can't see it for what it is, because you're so hard wired to think everything is some Left/Right racial issue.

Seriously, seek help. You done gone full Libtard.

Sure thing buddy.
Funny how logical thinking doesn't apply equally across all situations. I recall a thread a while back about groping in Swedish music festivals...
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But she was crowd surfing. How do u keep your hands off someone when they want u to touch them. Lol

This thing can't be that hard to figure out. He singled out one person out of everyone that was holding her up so clearly he saw someone deliberately grope her and he didn't like it. It's not rocket surgery and there's no need to play dumb.
Unless the person groping the boob was of any shade of brown.. am I right? Then its RAPE, RAPEFUGEES, AMERICA IS DYING etc etc..
This thread had nothing to do with race, until you made it that way.
When I was a teen, we would drive to B-more and go to the 18 and over clubs because it was packed with teenage sluts and was easy to get drinks without an ID. I was groped on multiple occasions. Dem were da days...
Good on him.

Meanwhile most of the first page makes me question what I am doing here.
Lesson learned for them then. People don't ask to be kicked in the face either. And which one is more physically unpleasant? I'd rather my ass be grabbed. Putting others at risk eliminates any sympathy I have and makes it easy to reject your subway comparison. And as for guys, they run the risk up being punched while they're up there by people who don't like assholes crawling over the top of them and potentially kicking them in the face.

Crowd surfers suck. I don't want some body getting thrown on top of me. I don't want to get hurt when people move out of the way or refuse to help hold your fat ass up. I didn't ask you to jump on top of me or consent to your body touching me. If a girl gets groped crowd surfing that's on her.

Sherdog wisdom suggests you both should stay home or stop being whingey bitches.

Consult the first page of this thread and tell me your problems are your own fault.
Unless he stuck something in her it's all good and to be expected.
He prob had that speech saved up and waited for someone to get groped. I think he is in the wrong business and should be a full time SJW .
Not saying its okay to do that stuff, but I always thought crowd surfing invited bad things to happen. Its very risky and you should know what you're getting into if you're gonna do that.

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