Media Rose has a weird physique+damage over 10 years

Looks like she is a couple of pounds heavier so cheeks look slightly different. Some damage to right eye from all the fighting. And 10 years older with a shaved head.

21 year old glow to 31 year old who fights for a living no glow.

Nothing surprising given we already know all that.

I know the picture has some texture added to it, but man Rose has a strange look. I know she fights at one of the smallest weight classes in the sport, but with all due respect she looks very "odd" to me.

***You got to wonder what's going thru her head at times. Hope she does well, but I think we are nearing the end of her career. She has been in the UFC for nearly 10 years and most fighters decline before then.
I’ve never had a thing for feet but My God… she has some gnarly ones!! Ugh! *shivers*
Rose use to be attractive, now she looks like a booger.
I actually had the opportunity to ask her about this and she told me, “I’m the best!” Repeatedly.