Sean Astin has had a strange career

The man was one of the main stars of both Encino Man and Toy Soldiers, two classics of the early 90's in my eyes.
Probably will be the third guy from Encino Man to win an oscar
Holy shit! Data won an Oscar? I wonder if him and Sean Astin hung out on the set of Encino man and reminisced about getting molestered while shooting the goonies.

Rudy is a classic. Goldsmith’s score alone is phenomenal and perfectly complements the movie’s plot. But there is so much other good stuff in there, including the cast. Not only Astin- Charles Dutton, the late, great character actor Robert Prosky, Jon Favreau, Lily Taylor, Ned Beatty, Vince Vaughan, etc.
His best and strangely omitted (from the op) role was the bottom of the stairs helper in Feldogs ascension millennium music video...

Also, he probably didn't let the predators fuck him in Hollywood...
Josh Brolin married Diane Lane and his career was revived in the 00s thanks to the Coen bros. Feldman had a really good 80s to early 90s run then fell off big. Shame, he was really good in everything he was in.

Feldman was a good child actor but he's not a good actor as an adult. I haven't seen even a passable performance since the mid 90s at the latest.
What stands out with the Goonies is actually how bad it was for the short term careers of most of those involved, Feldman is really the only one who carried on getting big roles in the years afterwards.

Feldman never did anything close to the lord of the rings though sir.
Probably drugs and lack of interest

He was at a high moment that slowly faded away. He did become an incredible singer and dancer tho.

I think he never really learned how to act at all. He was good for a kid. Had a decent screen presence and whatnot but if you took some of his better child performances and an adult gave that wouldn't be very remarkable. He was decent at either acting like a brat or throwing a spaz.

As an adult his acting has actually regressed. He seems like a high school theater or at best community theater guy trying to look cool. It makes me wonder if he ever really knew what he was doing all that much and how much of his better performances back in the day was from working with good directors.
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Toy Soldiers is fucking classic along with Encino man.
Guy really has had steady career never a super star but consistent.
I think he never really learned how to act at all. He was good for a kid. Had a decent screen presence and whatnot but if you took some of his better child performances and an adult gave that wouldn't be very remarkable. He was decent at either acting like a brat or throwing a spaz.

As an adult his acting has actually regressed. He seems like a high school theater or at best community theater guy trying to look cool. It makes me wonder if he ever really knew what he was doing all that much and how much of his better performances back in the day was from working with good directors.

Really I think during his best years he was obviously suited to quite a narrow role as a smart mouthed, bratty but likable character, I could imagine him carrying on doing that for a few more years but I think the kind of films that called for it simply stopped being made as much.

He he wasnt alone in his career drying up, a lot of somewhat older performers in the bratpack scene had the same problem come the 90's. Some like Cusack took off but by showing talent beyond what originally brought them sucess.
He is sort of type casted. He isn't this beautiful tall man.